Europe with the In-Laws Part I
I don’t know what my father-in-law and my mother-in-law must have been thinking, but here they had only been in Europe for three days and we had already encountered a topless woman. At 5:00, the Glockenspiel sprang into action.
Is Turkey “Civilised” Enough To Join The EU?
Many in Western Europe share an underlying assumption that, fundamentally, countries like Britain, France, Spain and Germany are benign. The result of this deluded self-image is that when the governments of these countries try to
The truth about the EU
The EU has three layers of power: the European Commission (or "The Commission"), the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament. When the EU wants to claim it is a democracy, it points to it's elected house, the EU Parliament,
Capital Rules: The Tensions of Global Finance
But when it comes to the norms and rules of global finance, the very ideas and laws that sustain the system, the height of this era of globalization has already been reached. The globalization of finance, in this sense, reached its peak
Is Turkey "Civilised" Enough To Join The EU?
According to Amnesty International, "[t]orture and ill-treatment by law enforcement officials continued to be reported" in 2006, with "detainees allegedly being beaten; stripped naked and threatened with death; deprived of food,
Israel's Kafkaesque "Matrix of Control"
Halper explains it's composed of three layers of control. The first one is "physical control" of key "links and nodes." It's done through illegal OPT settlements on expropriated land, use of military zones, industrial parks,
The Rise of Glossocracy
In the odd chance that an outsider might read one or two of them, he would still have to penetrate layers of incomprehensible Eurabian Newspeak to decipher their true significance. It’s clever and it works, especially if the most
Israel's Kafkaesque "Matrix of Control"
Halper's third "Matrix" layer uses violence as a means of social and political control. It includes military occupation, mass imprisonment and routine use of torture as documented by Israeli human rights monitoring group B'Tselem saying
The Importance of Blood in Human Health
The skin is composed of three layers, and varies from one-eighth to one-quarter of an inch in thickness. The average area of skin is estimated to be about 2000 square inches. The atmospheric pressure, being fourteen pounds to the square
Thursday 8th March 2007. Wellington. New Zealand.
Oblique narration (influenced by Chekhov) includes the use of symbolism - the doll's house lamp - which hints at layers of meaning with suggestion and implication replacing direct detail. Mansfield is an important character in English

Intelligence Support Systems: Their Time Has Come BillingWorld
2007 will be the year that intelligence support systems (ISS) will appear on C-level telecom executives’ radar screens. To understand why, consider some background on the relationship between new technologies and regulatory change that is driving ISS deployment.
Hagel says U.S. needs to engage Iran Lincoln Journal Star
KEARNEY – Dodging questions about his presidential intentions even from fourth-graders, Sen. Chuck Hagel issued an urgent call Thursday for U.S. engagement with Iran.
Sometimes, rogues just aren't charming, Italians find International Herald Tribune
Every now and again, Italians wake up to the unpleasant reality that, however lightly it can be explained away, breaking the rules is also part of the country's malaise.
Sometimes, rogues just aren't charming, Italians find International Herald Tribune
Every now and again, Italians wake up to the unpleasant reality that, however lightly it can be explained away, breaking the rules is also part of Italy's malaise.european+layers+of+laws: european+layers+of+laws