What do you make of William Wilberforce?
One needs to disseminate credible information to motivate decent people to confront the issue. If, however, the issue is one about which decent people disagree, even when all the information is on the table, the political challenge is
Husbands; contact me with credible information that I can authenticate; pictures, investigator reports, cell phone records, court documents, and I'll put up whatever you want me to if I'm convinced that you're being victimized!
Peak Oil in RSA Government Policy Making_Strategy Idea
If the information is scientifically credible, and they don’t have any opposing scientific information negating it, then they have no reason for not including it. The day after I faxed it, I received a telephone call from OneWorld’s CEO
Collective Intellect Launches Next Generation of Media Intelligence
With its TopicNet algorithm, CI can identify and rank the most credible sources of information, which is a critical part of CI’s differentiation from other tools that attempt to filter unstructured data. Second, CI’s technology
Employer Brand and the Corporate Un-Careers Site
This has a huge impact on how job seekers perceive your employer brand - as the information that is found on a blog post is often considered more credible and real as compared to the ‘controlled’ information that companies usually make
Air America Offers To Host GOP Debate
If it is a trap, it would give people a chance to see once and for all that AA is not a credible source of news and information. 3. It will demonstrate clearly that those in the GOP have enough security in their own belief systems,
Sunshine Week: Sunflower Power!
Following the meeting with Carlsen, Mark Ferguson, the college’s attorney, confronted Morales about investigation, saying Lee’s accusations were not credible. “I felt he was intimidating me into not writing this story,” Morales said.
Health and Fitness Information for Busy, On-the-go Women
Directory owner, Gillian Hood-Gabrielson, an exercise physiologist and intuitive eating coach, personally knows the struggle that women face when looking for credible information on health and fitness on the Internet.
Questions arise from 1988 KC Blast
Because of the significance of Massey’s claims, The Star conducted a polygraph examination which showed that he had credible information about the crime. A second lie detector test, by one of the foremost polygraph examiners in the
March 13, 2007 Reasonable Doubts
Jury instruction tracking language of Penal Code section 1127g (witness with cognitive impairment is not more or less credible than any other witness) does not lower prosecution’s burden of proof and is therefore constitutional.

Scientifically-Credible Information on Vegan and Vegetarian Diets
Socially-conscious or 'Green Money' investments: investment opportunities that support, not harm, the health of people, Life, and the environment. - Two U.S. soldiers killed in crash - May 26, 2005
"We are not quite sure if he is alive or dead," said Interior Minister Baqir Jabbur, citing information on al-Zarqawi's injuries the government received
The Shortage of Credible Information on Dioxin
The Shortage of Credible Information on Dioxin. by Ellen McCrady. Although dioxin has no direct connection with alkaline paper or permanence or anything
Some Credible Information on Dioxin
In the October issue of this newsletter, in the article entitled "The Shortage of Credible information on Dioxin," there was a two-paragraph description of
AFOSR News - Blogs Study May Help Defense Planners Better Net
Blogs Study May Help Defense Planners Better Net Credible Information. By William J. Sharp, Air Force Office of Scientific Research Public Affairs
Fuad's Everything Oracle related Weblog: The Tom Kyte Blog
The Tom Kyte Blog: Getting Credible Information. Well its that time of the year. people are writing articles and other people are reading them.
SSRN-Conflicts of Interest and Credible Information Provision by
SSRN-Conflicts of Interest and Credible Information Provision by Specialized and One-Stop Banks by Xavier Freixas, Patrick Bolton, Joel Shapiro.
Blogging Section of SLA-IT: Article: Blogs Study May Provide
Article: Blogs Study May Provide Credible Information. "The Air Force Office of Scientific Research recently began funding a new research area that includes
IMSA 21st Century Information Fluency Project - Evaluating
Evaluating Internet Sites for Credible Information AASL Information Power:. Chicago Public Schools Standards:. Illinois State Goals: | Project to make Internet searches more credible
As examples of highly credible information, Eisenberg cited the digital reference services developed by libraries around the country, the Internet Public credible+information: credible+information