Sibel Edmonds: Help me put Perle and Feith in jail
It's amazing to me that you put one honest person in the FBI for a few months and they end up reporting a number of different scandals and failures, and it makes you wonder what goes on the rest of the time.
Media Briefing for Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Network reporters traveled to Omaha, Nebraska to hear Senator Chuck Hagel announce that he is not seeking the Republican presidential nomination, at least for now. At least some of the reporters who made the trip felt they’d been "had",
Andrea Mitchell - Drunk Again?
Or was she lying afterwards, trying to hide her own involvement in the case, so as to help out poor little warmongering, torture lovin' Scooter? Maybe we should just believe her when she says she was reporting while drunk.
Cheetah and the NCRA Mid-Year Convention
We acknowledge that those speculations may be right and we could possibly be making a mistake by not being present at the mid-year NCRA event and in the national Journal of Court Reporting magazine.
Transcript of my Dan Rather Interview
I recognize that maybe some people hoot at this, but I try to keep my own opinion and my own biases out of my own reporting. Have I done it perfectly? No - nobody does it perfectly. But that's what I've been trying to do,
Here's what you can do to help Kareem! "I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the
go, gonzales, go
so cnn is reporting on the e-mail exchanges that demonstrate the justice department was planning with the white house how to fire attorney generals across the nation. then white house counsel harriett miers and kyle sampson (alberto
How the Blogosphere Is Saving the Boob Tube
Or is there an idea that, that the investigative reporting side of the blogs will build to such an extent that the other media have to take their lead from the blogosphere? I mean, what does the future look like that gets us to better,
What about Safronov? And, what about ALL THE OTHERS!
Death is not the only occupational hazard for reporters who show too much investigative zeal. Around 50 court cases are pursued against journalists every year in an attempt to muzzle them, while some 150 are seriously assaulted each
Meeting the Injured David Lee
At any rate, it was honor to meet the Knicks forward, and both the team and their fans will miss David Lee out on the court. Hopefully, Lee can return before the end of the season and help the Knicks make it back into the postseason
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