Guides : CORN LAWS

From the Corn Laws to Your Mailbox
0262195437mediumCheryl Schonhardt-Bailey, author of From the Corn Laws to Free Trade: Interests, Ideas, and Institutions in Historical Perspective, reminds us of the political and economic origins of a very popular magazine:
What next? The Corn Laws?
The Tories are resorting to protectionism again. No surprises there - their free trade credentials were always suspect. In his speech to the Oxford Farming Conference, David Cameron has called for a “buy British” campaign and condemned
Cameron's Corn Laws
Whilst Michael Grove seems to be using the Levellers as inspiration for Tory housing policy, Dave has gone for a more traditional inspiration for his food policies; that symbol of early 19th century High Toryism the Corn Laws.
On The Road With San Karlos
The British Aristocracy (also known as the Landed Aristocracy (as opposed the subsequent sons, who had to go into the Church if they wanted their free ride)) had passed something called The Corn Laws (1815).
An Imbalance of Power
To keep costs down and profits up, the agribusiness oligopoly uses the cheapest possible ingredients (notably corn, corn sugars and other low-nutrition 'fillers') and adds dangerous chemicals that make foods look better than they really
Strange bedfollows in opposition = something wrong with these
The Nation has an article called: Who’s Afraid of Gardasil? The reporter seemed to be leaning towards the vaccination being necessary, but Karen Houppert did lay out the different groups along with their reasons for opposition.
Hardy Free Trade
And what accounted for the ordinary Briton's happy ability, by the late 19th century, to enjoy a reliable supply of inexpensive bread? Hardy knew an important part of the answer: "the repeal of the Corn Laws" - Britain's great step,
Michiganders sub muskrat for fish during Lent
A 2002 archdiocesan document on Lenten observances, in addition to outlining the general laws of fast and abstinence, says, "There is a long-standing permission -- dating back to our missionary origins in the 1700s -- to permit the
Tory Chartists Support Rural Culture and People against the Myth
Whilst reading some biographies of Disraeli recently, it has struck me that the whig industrial elite have been producing the same false argument for over 150 years, since their anti-Corn Laws agitation of the early 19th century.
Tax and Save
And most of them are otherwise law abiding, productive adult citizens who would gladly pay their fair share of taxes if it would allow them to come out of the closet. You'd think the remaining 90% would be all in favor of a tax they

Anti-Corn Law League - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anti-Corn Law League was in effect the resumption of the Anti-Corn Law Association, The aim of the league was the abolition of the corn laws (which was
Anti-Corn Law League - Wikipédia
L'Anti-Corn Law League est une ligue contre les Corn Laws (lois sur les grains) fondée en 1839 (en) Les anti-corn law leagues sur Spartacus schoolnet
The Corn Laws
An entry from Victorian Web on the Corn Laws, a significant import duty on wheat and other essential foodstuffs aiming to stabilise the price.
The Anti-Corn-Law League
The 1815 Corn Laws failed to stabilise wheat prices but produced little Corn Law agitation became a moral issue, and therefore attracted support.
Les Corn laws en débat : régulation économique et sociale et
Author(s): Alain Clément. 2004 Abstract: Le débat qui a eu lieu en Angleterre dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle à propos des corn laws reprend un thème
Chartism, the Anti-Corn Law League & the Reform Movement in Manchester
Manchester saw Chartism and the Reform Movement grow in Victorian 19th Century Manchester, with the Anti-Corn Law League, headed by Richard Cobden and John
corn laws & economy

Corn Law: Definition and Much More from
Corn Law n. One of a series of British laws in force before 1846 regulating the grain trade and restricting imports of grain.
Observations on the Effects of the Corn Laws, and of a Rise or
Download the free eBook: Observations on the Effects of the Corn Laws, and of a Rise or Fall in the Price.
For a Repeal of the Corn Laws by Sir Robert Peel. Great Britain
Parliamentary Speech by the Prime Minister, Robert Peel, on the successful motion to abolish the Corn Laws. Peel was seen as a traitor by many of his corn+laws: corn+laws