Arriva Windows Vista ?Wow!?? Peccato che Tiger sia uscito un paio
il Personal Computer!!! Non ha neanche inventato il DOS ne Windows!!! Li ha solo comprati o trafugati da aziende con ristretta capacitŕ rispetto all&#8217;hardware usato da apple e online store</B>

iTunes Draws Ire of EU Commissioner E-Commerce Times
Apple has been feeling increased regulatory and rhetorical heat in Europe, where its iTunes-iPod near-monopoly in digital music is under heightened scrutiny. A member of the regulatory body overseeing antitrust and consumer protection for the EU lashed out at Apple, saying its policy of tying together the iPod music player and the iTunes Music Store is "improper."
Higginbotham Brothers Runs its Hometown Community Stores with Activant Eagle Solution PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Activant Solutions Inc., a leading provider of vertical business management solutions, today announced that Higginbotham Brothers Corporation has selected and installed the Activant Eagle® for Windows solution to manage its 46 store locations and operations.
Daniel Rubin | On eBay, no one tops these people The Philadelphia Inquirer
You almost expect a sign on the Mount Holly bypass that would read: "Entering Lumberton, feedback rating 99.8 percent positive." The gas stations would take PayPal. At the Lumberton Post Deli you'd bid on bologna.
Market Focus: Computer Software and Hardware Companies Impressions Magazine
The computer industry has a lot of appeal, but getting your foot in the door isn't always easy.
Winnebago Tribe lead business diversification away from casinos Indian Country Today
WINNEBAGO, Neb. - Rising from the bluffs of eastern Nebraska, on the sparsely populated, historically poor Winnebago Indian reservation, stands a glass-paneled office building.
Stacy Sacco: Thinking ahead is key for customer service Albuquerque Tribune
Having taught marketing and sales management for almost 10 years and worked in marketing management positions for the past 20 years, I think I have finally figured out what separates exceptional from poor customer service.
General Bridgewater Courier News
The website (the “Site”) is owned and operated by (“we” or “us”).
Cinema owners plan big project Lisbon Morning Journal
COLUMBIANA — Don and Dawn Arthurs may have gained even more local support for their plan to renovate the old Columbiana Cinema after speaking Thursday at a meeting of the Columbiana Retail and Business Association.
Vista redux: A second chance MSNBC's Gary Krakow gives Windows Vista a second chance.  After his experience with installing the final beta version on his ThinkPad, he has better luck with a new copy of Windows Ultimate on the same machine.
HP TouchSmart IQ770 Turion 64 X2 mobile technology 1.6 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 320 GB HDD CNET
HP's new TouchSmart PC IQ770 is not as fast as Apple's iMac, nor does it have the same clean-lined elegance. It makes up for those problems with intuitive touch screen software you'll actually use and a comprehensive lineup of features. If you're looking for a home PC to organize your family's schedule, or serve up media in a kitchen or another small room, we know of no other system suited so computer+hardware+online+store: computer+hardware+online+store