Zubulake v. UBS Warburg, ZUBULAKE I,
Thus, it is now beyond dispute that “[b]road discovery is a cornerstone of the litigation process contemplated by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.” The Rules contemplate a minimal burden to bringing a claim; that claim is then
Can Cameroon’s New Criminal Procedure Code Deliver “Justice with a
Cameroon’s much heralded new criminal procedure code went into effect today, January 1, 2007. Adopted by Parliament in July 2005, the new code is a hybrid system which merges key features of the French Civil law and English Common law
Yesterday's oral argument: Murphy v. Kenneth Cole Productions
(That is because Code of Civil Procedure section 338(a) provides a three-year statute of limitations for "[a]n action upon a liability created by statute, other than a penalty or forfeiture.") The legislative and regulatory history,
Modifications into the Code of Civil Procedure: Part 7- Abolition
What was the notion of judicial indemnification in the Code of Civil Procedure? Art. 162 (now abrogated) stated that a person who caused material damages by violating deliberately and with culpability the provisions of the Code of Civil
We Have Great Students and Alumni
Gewährleistung von Verfahrensgrundrechten durch die Fachgerichte which apparently lates as “The Appeal for the Right to Be Heard According to § 321a of the German Code of Civil Procedure. The Guarantee of Basic Procedural Rights in
Modifications into the Code of Civil Procedure: Part 5
Part 5 – Communication of Procedural Acts and Procedural Terms. Some modifications were introduced into the rules of communicating procedural acts to the parties. Previously judicial acts had to be delivered to a person through law
Modifications into the Code of Civil Procedure: Part 6 - Evidences
Art. 123 (“The ground for release of proving”) was amended with the new paragraph (6) providing that “the facts that have been invoked by one of the parties should not be proved to the extent the other party does not deny them”.
Argument Notes on Murphy v. Kenneth Cole Productions
He responded that the statute being construed wasn'ta Labor Code statute, it was a section of the Code of Civil Procedure. In general, Drapkin did not draw many questions (which bodes well for the employer), and our spies had fewer
Law expert x-rays the New Criminal Procedure Code
Basically, the new code attempts to harmonise the principles of the Common and Civil Laws into one. Secondly, the new code is human-rights sensitive and applies to the entire country. It creates an examining magistrate while the current
Amending California's "Mini MDL" Statute
The Code of Civil Procedure permits parties to file a petition with the chair of the Judicial Council of California asking that cases pending in different courts and sharing a common question of law or fact be coordinated. See Cal.

Page d'accueil
Legilux - Codes-Loi
Editeur: Ministère de la Justice. Législation : jusqu'au 1er juillet 1998 Code de procédure civile - ancienne procédure. Disponible en librairie.
code de procédure civile

Code de procédure civile, commerciale et sociale
Code de procédure civile, commerciale. et sociale. Décret n. o. 99-254/P-RM du 15 septembre 1999. TITRE I. Les dispositions préliminaires
Ordonnance n° 66-154 du 8 juin 1966 portant code de procédure
Ordonnance n° 66-154 du 8 juin 1966 portant code de procédure civile, p. 454. ( JORA N° 47 du 09-06-1966 ). Le Chef du Gouvernement, Président du Conseil
Code de Procédure Civile et Commerciale - Table des Matières
Code de Procédure Civile et Commerciale Copyright © Jurisite Tunisie©2006 Titre II. - De la procédure devant les juges cantonaux (Art. 43 à 67 bis)
le bicentenaire du code de procédure civile
Le 15 mai 2006, à l'occasion du bicentenaire du Code de Prodédure civile de 1806, l'Académie des sciences morales et politiques a tenu une séance
UI - Le Guide Juridique - Nouveau Code des Procédures civiles
GUIDE JURIDIQUE Nouveau Code de Procédure civile à disposition en ligne la totalité des textes à jour fixant les procédures devant les Tribunaux civils.
Art. 340a32) 1 Les requêtes à fin d'exercice du droit de réponse selon les articles 28g à 28l du Code civil suisse seront vidées selon la procédure sommaire
Procédure civile
272: Loi fédérale du 24 mars 2000 sur les fors en matière civile (Loi sur les fors, LFors); 273: Loi fédérale de procédure civile fédérale du 4 décembre code+de+procedure+civil: code+de+procedure+civil