Computer Security: Trusted Computing Initiative Sets You As Your
Let me now take into consideration a few examples of how the attestation approach promoted by trusted computing can compromise interoperability or be used against computer owners. I will refer here to the research conducted by Seth
Wiley CPA Exam Review 2007 Auditing and Attestation
Wiley CPA Exam Review 2007: Auditing and Attestation arms test-takers with detailed outlines, study guidelines, and skill-building problems to help candidates identify, focus on, and master the specific topics that need the most work.
Idaho Court Rules After Death Attestation Effective
The following discussion of In re Estate of Miller (Idaho Supreme Court 2006) is provided by Dennis S. Voorhees, attorney for the successful litigant in the case:A continuing issue has been whether a witness to a testator’s will
Wiley CPA Exam Review 2007 Auditing and Attestation
All the information you need to master the computerized CPA exam! The Most Widely UsedCPA ExaminationReview ProductsWorldwide Read More
Computer Security: Trusted Computing Initiative Sets You As Your
Remote attestation is the most interesting of the four major feature groups described by Microsoft and it aims to allow “unauthorized” changes to software to be detected. If an hacker has replaced one of your applications,
Bisk CPA Ready: Auditing & Attestation
Bisk CPA Ready: Auditing & Attestation
Wiley CPA Examination Review Focus Notes: Auditing and Attestation
Wiley CPA Examination Review Focus Notes: Auditing and Attestation
An attestation to the power of Web 2.0
OK, maybe not really. But it's a distinct paean to RSS. This past week, I put a new computer together. Welcome Sardonicus
Lawyer for attestation
Drove all the way from Mississauga to Scarborough. I was grateful that Smitha was there. The ride felt very long. We used to travel from scarborough to etobicoke on a daily basis for work and in August 2006 we moved to mississauga.
L'attestation par corps dans les demandes d'asile
31 janvier 2007, 15h-17h. Conférence de Didier Fassin dans le cadre du PRI Médecine, santé, sciences sociales et du programme pluri-formation Santé, soins et politiques sociales

AICPA Peer Review Program AICPA
The AICPA Peer Review Program (Program) is dedicated to enhancing the quality of accounting, auditing and attestation services performed by AICPA members in public practice.
Petition drive fails to halt new city hall Macomb Daily
The way may now be clear for the city of Eastpointe to go through with a plan to spend $4.5 million in bonds on a new city hall, following an unsuccessful petition drive by a group of residents.
Sarbox: The Blacktop To Financial Hell
Opinion: Sarbanes-Oxley was more of an emotional reaction than reasoned law when it was passed. Now there's enough evidence that it's doing more harm than good.
HP Drives Customer Agility Up, Costs Down With Latest Identity Management Software RedNova
HP today announced enhancements to its identity and access management software suite to help customers increase agility, reduce risk and cut costs in the area of security and compliance management.
McDonald claims Nye in the wrong over medical center Pahrump Valley Times
John McDonald, newly elected as a Pahrump town board member, has renewed his charges that corruption played a hand in the way the Nye County Commission handled the lease of Pahrump Medical Center.
Misreporting Abounds: Implications of the '06 Restatement Tally SeekingAlpha via Yahoo! Finance
Jack Ciesielski submits: Great article by Steven Taub at on Glass Lewis annual study on restatements. Link here. Key points: in the aggregate for 2006, restatements are up - way up.
H-1C Visas for Registered Nurses Immigration Portal
One of the few immigration measures passed in the last Congress was the extension of a little known nurse visa category called the H-1C. In November 2006, Congress approved legislation to extend the H-1C program for three more years. The program remains unchanged in substance.
Axentis Announces Solution Manager to Further Increase Speed of Implementation Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
CLEVELAND----Axentis, providers of the industry's most comprehensive and widely deployed governance, risk and compliance management solution, today announced the availability of Axentis Solution Manager, which provides sample configurations, business rules, and project templates designed to accelerate the implementation process for customers and partners.
Service Corporation International Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2006 Financial Results PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Service Corporation International , a provider of deathcare products and services, today reported results for the fourth quarter and fiscal year 2006.
Further tweaks urged for Sarbanes-Oxley Market Watch
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Comments about proposed changes to the controversial Sarbanes-Oxley law rolled in for a final day Monday, as debate about how best to implement it continued. attestation: attestation