CPO to consolidate further The Star Online
CRUDE palm oil (CPO) futures prices on Bursa Malaysia Derivatives started the week softer in sympathy with the weakness in crude oil prices but rebounded mildly on short-covering before closing the week with minor losses.
Uusimmat | Kauppalehti Online Kauppalehti Online
TIEDOTE 429/2006, 4.10.2006 WARRANTIT WARRANTTEJA PÖRSSILISTALLE 6.10.2006 Seuraavat warrantit otetaan kaupankäynnin kohteeksi 6.10.2006. Liikkeeseenlaskijana Société Générale (Paris).
Uusimmat | Kauppalehti Online Kauppalehti Online
EXCHANGE NOTICE 429/2006, 4 OCTOBER 2006 COVERED WARRANTS COVERED WARRANTS LISTED 6 OCTOBER 2006 The following covered warrants will be listed as of 6 October 2006. Issuer is Société Générale (Paris).
SPEAKING FREELY - Sweet deals: Behind the Iran crisis and more From the Wilderness Publications
April 21, 2006 SPEAKING FREELY - Sweet deals: Behind the Iran 'crisis' - by Chris Cook, Asia Times with comment by Michael Ruppert Oil Prices Show No Sign of Slowing - Tight Supplies, Capacity Spark Talk That Crude Could Reach $80 a Barrel - by Bhushan Bahree, Wall Street Journal As Oil Supplies Are Stretched, Rebels, Terrorists Get New Clout - Media-Savvy
Yen Trades Near Record Low Versus Euro on North Korea, Rate Gap
Oct. 4 (Bloomberg) -- The yen traded near a record low against the euro after North Korea yesterday said it will conduct a nuclear test, raising regional and international security concerns over the communist nation's weapons programs.
Droit de rachat exerçable par les actionnaires minoritaires de Gemplus à l'issue de la réouverture de l'offre publique SYS-CON Media
Gemalto N.V. (Euronext NL0000400653 - GTO) (>) annonce, conformément à la demande de la Commission de surveillance du secteur financier luxembourgeoise (la CSSF) et comme indiqué à la section 2.4.15. > de la note d'information (visa de l'Autorité des marchés financiers française (l'AMF) no 06-252 en date du 6 juillet 2006) relative à l'offre publique d'échange (l'>) initiée par Gemalto sur les
Cameroon: Hurdles to Direct Foreign Investment
A medley of factors is responsible for weak foreign investments in Cameroon.
Malaysia Hot Stocks-Market seen =2 Reuters via Yahoo! Asia News
- Speculation of a tie-up between Malaysia's smallest mobile operator, Bhd , and telecoms firm Time dotCom Bhd , has resurfaced after high-level meetings between the owners of the two firms, the Business Times reported on Tuesday, quoting an unidentified DiGi executive.
CPO prices to stay buoyant The Star Online
Crude palm oil (CPO) futures prices on Bursa Malaysia Derivatives fell to their lowest levels in two months in early trading last week, dampened by falls in crude oil and soyoil prices but recovered on a mild technical correction before closing with minor gains.
News from United States, Canada, European Union, Australia, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Poland, Rwanda, and Ghana.
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