Details Of Solar Particles Penetrating The Earth's Environment Revealed Science Daily
Co-ordinated efforts by China/ESA's Double Star and ESA's Cluster spacecraft have allowed scientists to zero in on an area where energetic particles from the Sun are blasting their way through the Earth's magnetic shield. Solar material penetrating the Earth's magnetic shield can represent a hazard to both astronauts and satellites.
Details of solar particles penetrating the Earth's environment revealed SpaceRef
Co-ordinated efforts by China/ESA's Double Star and ESA's Cluster spacecraft have allowed scientists to zero in on an area where energetic particles from the Sun are blasting their way through the Earth's magnetic shield.
Details of solar particles penetrating the Earth's environment revealed AstroInfo
Quelle: Space Wire Top Stories
Details Of Solar Particles Penetrating The Earth Environment Revealed SpaceDaily
by Staff Writers Paris, France (ESA) Oct 04, 2006 Co-ordinated efforts by China/ESA's Double Star and ESA's Cluster spacecraft have allowed scientists to zero in on an area where energetic particles from the Sun are blasting their way through the Earth's magnetic shield.
Details of solar particles penetrating the Earth’s environment revealed AstroInfo
Quelle: ESA
CANEUS 2006 Conference Unveils Breakthroughs in the Use of Micro/Nano Technologies for Satellite and Commercial Defense CNW Group via Yahoo! Finance
Major breakthroughs in the use of micro and nano technologies for satellite and commercial defense avionics applications were unveiled on an international scale at the CANEUS 2006 Conference held in Toulouse, France, home of Airbus Industries in France's Aerospace Valley.
International awards boost crop science research SeedQuest
The aim of the four-year projects is to draw on the complementary experience and field expertise of researchers in the UK and France, to help translate basic plant science research into practical information for crop and agronomic improvements.
Supernova Casts Doubt on "Standard Candle" Slashdot
Krishna Dagli writes, "A supernova more than twice as bright as others of its type has been observed, suggesting it arose from a star that managed to grow more massive than theoretically thought possible. The observation suggests that Type 1a supernovae may not be 'standard candles' — all having the same intrinsic luminosity — as previously thought. This could affect their use as probes of dark
Consortium Sign a $7.2 Million Contract with Thomson Scientific EContent Magazine
Thomson Scientific, part of The Thomson Corporation and provider of information solutions to the worldwide research and business communities, has announced that a consortium of 47 French academic and government organizations, led by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique (INIST), and Couperin, have signed a three year, $7.2
Nanocantilever biosensors detect multiple genes News-Medical-Net
Using nanoscale cantilevers in a microfluidics device, a team of European researchers has developed a portable biosensor capable of detecting specific genetic sequences.

Recherche scientifique - Wikipédia
La recherche scientifique se caractérise par l’ensemble des actions Nous aborderons ici la recherche scientifique et ses différentes formes sous un
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Ethique et expertise scientifique. COMETS · Calendrier Printemps 07 · Bilan des sections · mandat 2000-2004 · Historique des remplacements des membres des
CERIMES - Centre de Ressources et d'Information sur les, le portail de l'Internet scientifique Recherche sur les TICE. TémaTice, programme de recherche interdisciplinaire · E-pathie, recherche
INRIA - Recherche Scientifique
Recherche Scientifique. Evénement. 06.09.06 Séminaire prospective du Conseil d'Orientation Scientifique et Technologique :
Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique
Le CNCPRST-CNR présente ses activités et ses départements. Informations sur les projets nationaux de recherche. Rabat.

CERIMES - Centre de Ressources et d'Information sur les, le portail de l'Internet scientifique Recherche sur les TICE. TémaTice, programme de recherche interdisciplinaire · E-pathie, recherche
INRIA - Recherche Scientifique
Recherche Scientifique. Evénement. 06.09.06 Séminaire prospective du Conseil d'Orientation Scientifique et Technologique :
Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique
Le CNCPRST-CNR présente ses activités et ses départements. Informations sur les projets nationaux de recherche. Rabat.
Fonds national suisse de la recherche scientifique
Les "Clinical Trial Units" sont des centres de compétence multidisciplinaires mis au point pour la recherche clinique orientée vers les patients.
Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique

Emploi Scientifique en France
Bienvenue sur Emploi Scientifique en France, le site de l’emploi dans l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche publique en France.
Centre Suisse de Recherche Scientifique
Présentation de cet établissement helvétique. Ses principaux axes de recherche et son personnel. Abidjan.
Unité réseaux du CNRS
Organisation de lUREC, articles, support de cours et politique de certification.

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