New Tool For Understanding Estrogen-Fueled Breast Cancer Provided By Molecular Atlas Medical News Today
Lurking in unexplored regions of the human genome are thousands of previously unknown on/off switches that may influence how the growth of breast cancer is driven by estrogen, new research by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute researchers has revealed. [click link for full article]
Molecular Atlas Provides New Tool for Understanding Estrogen-fueled Breast Cancer Newswise
Dana-Farber investigators have developed the first complete map of the molecular "control panels" operated by the cells' estrogen receptor, the master regulator of cell growth in the most common form of breast cancer. This may eventually help doctors match patients with treatments that are most likely to be effective and overcome the problem of resistance to current hormone therapies.
New Study Pinpoints Unique Genetic Susceptibility For Viral Encephalitis Science Daily
Working in close collaboration with a group of French researchers, scientists from the Scripps Research Institute have helped uncover a unique genetic immunodeficiency that leaves patients vulnerable to herpes simplex encephalitis, a rare yet devastating infection of the brain that affects a small minority of people infected with a common virus.
Unique Genetic Susceptibility For Viral Encephalitis Pinpointed By New Study Medical News Today
The study was published September 14 in Science X-Press, an advanced, online edition of the journal Science.In the study, the researchers suggest that herpes simplex encephalitis may reflect a single gene immunodeficiency that confers susceptibility to herpes simplex virus, an idea that contrasts with the prevailing scientific theory of how genes work to make people vulnerable to infections.
Two Copies Of A Parkinson's Gene Mutation Doesn't Lead To More Severe Disease Science Daily
Parkinson's disease researchers found no observable differences between those who have two copies of the most common mutation of the recently discovered LRRK2 gene and those who have only one copy. In most diseases with a genetic component, two copies of a bad gene lead to earlier or more severe symptoms. Researchers did not find that to be true in a group of individuals with two copies of the
New study pinpoints unique genetic susceptibility for viral encephalitis EurekAlert!
The study is being published September 14 in Science X-Press, an advanced, online edition of the journal Science.
Two copies of G2019S Parkinson's gene mutation doesn't lead to more severe disease EurekAlert!
A group of Parkinson's disease researchers concluded there are no observable differences between those who have two copies of the most common mutation of the recently discovered LRRK2 gene and those who have only one copy.
Invibio® présente ENDOLIGN™, composite à matrice polymère destiné à la réalisation de dispositifs PR Web via Yahoo! News
THORNTON CLEVELEYS, ANGLETERRE (PRWEB) 12 Septembre 2006 -– Invibio®, leader dans la fourniture de biomatériaux destinés au marché médical annonce aujourd’hui le lancement du composite biocompatible ENDOLIGN™, un nouveau thermoplastique renforcé de fibres de carbone destiné à la réalisation de dispositifs médicaux implantables soumis à de fortes contraintes mécaniques et restant en contact avec

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