Arius3D Canada Inc.: University College London, Petrie Museum to Digitize Collection SYS-CON Media
Arius3D Canada Inc. ( has signed an agreement with University College London ('UCL') and the Petrie Museum at UCL to install its Arius3D Foundation System into The Chorley Institute at UCL in London, England.
Droit de rachat exerçable par les actionnaires minoritaires de Gemplus à l'issue de la réouverture de l'offre publique SYS-CON Media
Gemalto N.V. (Euronext NL0000400653 - GTO) (>) annonce, conformément à la demande de la Commission de surveillance du secteur financier luxembourgeoise (la CSSF) et comme indiqué à la section 2.4.15. > de la note d'information (visa de l'Autorité des marchés financiers française (l'AMF) no 06-252 en date du 6 juillet 2006) relative à l'offre publique d'échange (l'>) initiée par Gemalto sur les
Negative effects of caffeine are stronger on daytime sleep than on nocturnal sleep EurekAlert!
Montreal, October 2, 2006 -- A new study at the Université de Montréal has concluded that people drinking coffee to get through a night shift or a night of studying will strongly hurt their recovery sleep the next day.
Molecular atlas provides new tool for understanding estrogen-fueled breast cancer EurekAlert!
BOSTON -- Lurking in unexplored regions of the human genome are thousands of previously unknown on/off switches that may influence how the growth of breast cancer is driven by estrogen, new research by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute researchers has revealed.
Arius3D Canada Inc.: Mona Lisa Revelations Make Compelling Argument for Advanced 3D Imaging SYS-CON Media
Arius3D Canada Inc. ( has signed an agreement with the Centre de recherche et de restauration des musees de France (C2RMF) to install its Arius3D Foundation System into the C2RMF facilities at the Louvre in Paris.
Study identifies part of brain responsible for tone deafness EurekAlert!
Montreal, September 29, 2006 -- A new study has discovered that the brains of people suffering from tone-deafness are in fact lacking in white matter.
Uncovering da Vinci's Mona Lisa Government of Canada News
Today the National Research Council of Canada in collaboration with the Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France (C2RMF) announced the completion of the most important scientific study ever done of Leonardo da Vinci's portrait of the Mona Lisa.
3D imaging reveals incarnations of 'Mona Lisa' Baku Today
Leonardo Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" originally wore a delicate maternity garment, her hair gathered up in a bun, details that have disappeared under varnish but are now visible under 3D imaging, scientists said.
More support for inulin, oligofructose for bone health
9/25/2006 - Scientists from Brazil have reported that supplementing the diet with the soluble dietary fibres, inulin and oligofructose, boosted calcium absorption in rats by about 40 per cent, results that add to an ever growing body of science linking the prebiotics with improved bone health.
UK-French co-operation targets crop improvements Food Production Daily
25/09/2006 - Three projects drawing on the expertise of researchers in both the UK and France could translate into practical improvements in crop and agronomic science.

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