ON THE HILL New Orleans Times-Picayune
Former Sen. John Breaux of Louisiana has been out of office almost two years, but has remained in the political mix partly by giving $199,500 from his old campaign fund to candidates.
Thune a champion of vets Argus Leader
Sen. John Thune continues to champion veterans' issues for all South Dakotans, and it's unfortunate that misinformed individuals have stated otherwise.
Australia's Telstra sees opportunity ahead Reuters Finance News, Australia via Yahoo!7 Finance
CANBERRA, Oct 8 (Reuters) - The head of Telstra Corp. Ltd. TLS.AX, Australia's top phone company, on Sunday shook off fears a row with the government could hurt an A$8 billion ($6 billion) selldown starting on Monday and said he saw only opportunity ahead.
Australia's Telstra sees opportunity ahead Reuters via Yahoo! Asia News
CANBERRA, Oct 8 (Reuters) - The head of Telstra Corp. Ltd. , Australia's top phone company, on Sunday shook off fears a row with the government could hurt an A$8 billion ($6 billion) selldown starting on Monday and said he saw only opportunity ahead.
Arrow International, Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter and Twelve Months Fiscal Year 2006 Financial Results PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Arrow International, Inc. today reported results for its fourth fiscal quarter and twelve months ended August 31, 2006.
Foley's disgrace heats up race, leaders say Sun Herald
To Democratic candidate Tim Mahoney, the scandal over Congressman Mark Foley's salacious messages to teenage pages represents one more illustration of what's wrong with Washington.
Letters to the editor Portsmouth Herald
I am responding to the front page article of Oct. 2, 2006, "City class sizes are defended." I can appreciate how shocking it must sound that our elementary schools average about 15 students per class. Sixty years ago, my father was one of 60 kindergarteners in a room.
Five candidates run for proposed La Pine City Council seats
"That's how we're going to proceed," Daggett said Wednesday. "It's either that, or unfortunately nothing at all." But Friday, all of the other candidates decided to talk, except for Ann Thomas, who could not be reached for comment.
Tolls put bridge in high cotton New Orleans Times-Picayune
An increase in toll collections on the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway since Hurricane Katrina will allow bridge officials to spend an additional $1 million on maintenance in the coming fiscal year and to augment average salaries in some departments by as much as 18 percent.
9th Circuit Judge Protests Proposal for New Breakaway Circuit via Yahoo! Finance
The long-simmering debate over splitting the nation's largest federal appellate court heated up last month when 9th Circuit Judge Carlos T. Bea of San Francisco complained that a new breakaway circuit would have no Hispanic judges.
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