T-Mobile Set To Sprint Ahead Forbes
Fresh with a pocketful of new wireless spectrum licenses, T-Mobile is set to do battle with its bigger rivals.
Mobile turns down raises for city retirees al.com
Mobile city employees' paychecks will get a little fatter in July 2007, thanks to a 5 percent merit raise approved for the budget year that begins today. But the city's roughly 1,000 retired employees, unlike their state and county brethren, won't get any extra money next year.
Survey: Mobile best site for track al.com
A new survey suggests that half the residents in Mobile and Baldwin counties oppose spending tax money on a private motorsports park that has been proposed for the coast.
wap.timesofmalta.com Internet enabled mobile phone Times of Malta
Is your mobile phone WAP-enabled? Phones built to take advantage of the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) can access web content using a "mini browser" application built into the phone's interface. The content streams in via the cellular network and appears in your phone's display window.
Cause of mobile home fire is under review Milford Daily News
MARLBOROUGH -- The Fire Department is still investigating the cause of a fire that destroyed a home and killed three dogs on Friday at a mobile home park.
Lobster 700 TV smartphones goes on sale at Virgin Mobile UK MS Mobiles
It is of vital importance for success of Windows Mobile phones not to divide the market into just 2 segments (professionals and consumers) or even 3 segments, but it is crucial to address maximum number of segments of the market.
5 found dead in S.C. mobile home AP via Yahoo! News
Five people were found dead in a home Saturday, and all appeared to have been shot, police said. Investigators were talking to a suspect.
Metro area mobile home park hit by arson KARE 11 Minneapolis-St. Paul
Concerns are spreading through a mobile home park in the metro, after a string of arson fires.A window is still charred at Bill
B92 - News - Economy - Third mobile operator to enter market B92
BELGRADE -- The third Serbian mobile license price exceeds the total value of all regional licenses sold to date.
Mobile Gardens Faces $80,000 Fine WBOC 16
SEAFORD - A mobile home community hit heavy by flooding in June now faces a hefty fine for polluting.
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Prior mobile phones operating without a cellular network (the so-called 0G The mobile phone has become ubiquitous because of the interoperability of
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