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Reality TV to real life Bradenton Herald
Peek into the refrigerator of Suzy Preston, the spunky Des Moines hairdresser with rhinestone spectacles who lost 95 pounds last year to win third place on NBC reality-TV show "The Biggest Loser."
'Lost' is found: Point/Counterpoint 'I'M A 'LOST' ADDICT' Inside Bay Area
MY NAME is Susan Young, and I'm a "Lost" addict. And I'm not just talking about having to watch it every Wednesday night like my life depended on it, which it does.
Lynn Barber: How I suffered for art's sake Guardian Unlimited
Art: When she was asked to be a Turner Prize judge for this year's competition, Lynn Barber was thrilled. A year later, that has changed. On the eve of the 2006 show she reflects on how months of seeing banal and derivative work have left her depressed about the state of contemporary art in Britain.
RED WEST SHIFTING TO BLUE / Republicans' grip is loosening in the mountain states, giving moderate Democrats a chance San Francisco Chronicle
It was not many years ago that you could drive 1,000 miles east from the Bay Area without running into a Democratic officeholder. The Mountain West, with its open space and rugged landscape, was as reliably Republican as any region in the country,
Elegy for the King and Queen St. Petersburg Times
You probably heard a chimp and a tiger died at Lowry Park. But you should know Herman and Enshalla.
It's comedy on the fly on 'Chris' set Philly.com
EVERYBODY HATES CHRIS. 7 p.m. Sunday, Channel 57. HOLLYWOOD - Stage 10 at Paramount Studios is a world away from the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn, N.Y., where comedian Chris Rock grew up, but inside the living-room set of the CW's "Everybody Hates Chris," where a TV set's placed on top of a presumably defunct television console in a way that's bound to look familiar to anyone who grew
'Vanished' campaign hasn't a clue Calendarlive.com
With the vast array of message boards and websites available online, obsessive fans have plenty of avenues to exchange theories, spoilers and speculation about their favorite TV shows.
Lollapalooza Cancelled! Pitchfork
In what can only be considered one of the most depressing comments so far on the state of independent music, all dates on this year's massive (and massively reported on) Lollapalooza tour have been cancelled due to poor ticket sales.
MF Doom Plots Short December Tour Pitchfork
"Oh, snap, it seems you walked into a trap through rap / Zoiks, this place is full of pretender willies / One false move and get broke off like ends of Phillies." Now just imagine those words rapped live.
Book Browser CBS News
When you're looking for a good book to read, nothing takes the place of reading a few pages to see how you like it. Here's a selection of possibilities, with brief descriptions and links to excerpts.

Lost (TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Carlton Cuse dismissed the theory that the island is a reality TV show and the numbers on international Hit TV show LOST", Disney-ABC Television Group,
Watercooler Talk: Lost in purgatory - TV Squad
boones funeral I have a theory about Lost and I've had it for a while. This is a stupid blog about a TV show and I'm just trying to have some fun.
4 8 15 16 23 42 - The LOST Numbers Reference Guide
No one knows for sure, but 2 users at the Lost - TV Forum have presented interesting In another theory, yung23, one of the moderators of the forum,
JOLLYBLOGGER: Lost TV Show on ABC - Can You Stand One More Theory
Here's one more theory about a minor matter on the Lost TV show. TV Guide says that the producers said that one of the main characters will die by the end
Who's running the show? - The Boston Globe
On the site Bauer helps run, www.lost-tv.com, the ''they're in Purgatory" theory, debunked early by the show's producers, has been dubbed ''The Theory That

4 8 15 16 23 42 The LOST Numbers Reference Guide
No one ws for sure, but 2 users at the Lost TV Forum have presented interesting In another theory, yung23, one of the moderators of the forum,
JOLLYBLOGGER: Lost TV Show on ABC Can You Stand One More Theory
Here's one more theory about a minor matter on the Lost TV show. TV Guide says that the producers said that one of the main characters will die by the end
Who's running the show? The Boston Globe
On the site Bauer helps run, www.lost-tv.com, the ''they're in Purgatory" theory, debunked early by the show's producers, has been dubbed ''The Theory That
CanMag- Television- The Best Theory to ABC's LOST that You Will
A theory on ABC's LOST about purgatory and the characters being dead. that I have recently been taking a closer look at the ABC television show LOST.
digg Lost is found. The best theory to date.
They've covered this theory and a ton of others on the BEST Lost podcast, LOSTCAS! Even if this theory is correct, and logical. I still a TV show.
digg Lost TV Series DHARMA Orientation Video from HansoExposed.com
I wrote a post about it at http://www.lostblog.net/lost/tv/show/hanso-exposed-video and will be posting a theory based on my interpretation of the video
Binary Code & The Duality of Man Theory The Lost Blog
So what does all this mean for our show LOST? Where does binary code figure in? However, for a TV show, your theory is too boring for the home viewers.
Lost: Not so lost, after all? TV Squad
Sarah Hatter had this theory on her Fr account last week. Idol: Americans are idio (175); TV Squad contest: Which new show ge canceled first?

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