One year later Saratogian
LAKE GEORGE - For those that are coming, it is a time to remember the 20 who died here a year ago Monday. For those stay¬ing behind, it is an anniversary of a tragedy so horrific that it is best left to pass unsaid.
Pension dispute doesn't blot retirement The Trenton Times
TRENTON -- Abraham Hem sey, the police department's deputy director and a former 25-year uniformed police veteran, has officially retired from the force he joined in 1973.
Coming to America: Initiatives for Better, Faster, and More Secure Visas Heritage Foundation
Almost everyone who wants to visit the United States needs a visa issued by the U.S. Department of State and a passport from his or her home country. Deciding who gets visas and how visas are issued is a responsibility shared by Congress and the Adminis tration.
Newton backs off on illegal immigrants The Star-Ledger
Newton has backed off plans to crack down on illegal immigration.
Icahn rips ImClone's chairman The Star-Ledger
Billionaire financier Carl Icahn was a no-show yesterday at Im Clone Systems' shareholder meet ing in Branchburg, but he wasted little time in bashing management after his election to the biotech's board.
Pair enter Plainfield race for at-large council seat The Star-Ledger
Two more candidates have entered the race for Plainfield's at- large council seat, each with deep roots in the community and a history of public service.
PBA backs GOP pair for exec and sheriff The Star-Ledger
The Republican candidates for Es County executive and sheriff got a boost yesterday with the endorsement of the Es County PBA Conference, an umbrella body representing some 2,400 rank-and- file law enforcement officers.
DRIVER REQUIRED for 3 days, Mon/Wed/Fri. Orangeville to Bramp-ton area, approximately Orangeville Citizen
DRIVER REQUIRED for 3 days, Mon/Wed/Fri. Orangeville to Bramp-ton area, approximately 8 hrs/day. Call (519) 939-8202.j21og BECOME PARTOF a growing finan-cial services company. Full or part-time. Training provided.
HP board keeps on debating chairwoman linked to spying The Star-Ledger
SAN FRANCISCO -- Hewlett- Packard Co.'s board of directors adjourned an emergency phone conference yesterday without an nouncing a decision on the fate of embattled Chairwoman Patricia Dunn, who is facing calls to resign or be fired for ordering an investigation that may have used illegal means to spy on colleagues and journalists.
Thunder win 80th The Trenton Times
TRENTON -- It's time to relax -- for a day at least. Since the Thunder clinched first place in the Eastern League's Northern Division last week, yesterday's game against the Reading Phillies, the last game of the regular season, was just for braggin grights.
Fire Fighting Hazards During Propane Tank Fires
Be aware that when a BLEVE occurs, sections. of the tank can fly in any direc tion. Just avoid -. ing the ends of the tank should not be consid-
Practical comparisons between various high resolution spectral
ing high resolution spectral estimation techniques. Analogous to sampling a time domain signal and. trans-. forming it to the frequency domain,
Understanding CoQperati
The management functions of direc-. tors are often defined as planning, ing the manager’s job description, and. purchasing and selling assets to meet
Transmittal Letter No. 582 Volume I To: Heads of Government
nan cial Center (RFC) direc tors when. nei ther an appro pri a tion nor a contin -. u ing reso lu tion will cover the oper a -. tions of certain agencies.
G: eproservercslIssue Papers 2002Aug2002issue paper Augu
plan ning, program ming and budget ing for deci sion making that links the SND), to provide direc tion to the AFP in properly resourcing that strategy.
Understanding CoQperati
The management functions of direc-. tors are often defined as planning, ing the manager’s job description, and. purchasing and selling assets to meet
Transmittal Letter No. 582 Volume I To: Heads of Government
nan cial Center (RFC) direc tors when. nei ther an appro pri a tion nor a contin -. u ing reso lu tion will cover the oper a -. tions of certain agencies.
G: eproservercslIssue Papers 2002Aug2002issue paper Augu
plan ning, program ming and budget ing for deci sion making that links the SND), to provide direc tion to the AFP in properly resourcing that strategy.
Estimation of Neonatal Exposure After Accidental Ingestion of
Hos pi tal for Sick Children, To ronto,Canada. Shinya Ito is the medi cal direc-. tor of the Breastfeed ing Program and asso ci ate profes sor of pedi at
Ben e fits of Mem ber ship 2006
pro spec tive authors and pub lish ing pro fes sion als. It is dis trib uted at con ven tions and. indus try trade shows. A free direc tory list ing is
PrologueSecGen.vp:CorelVentura 7.0
oth ers, the most likely out come will be that we fail to grasp what is hap pen ing around us. Undoubt edly the prin ci pal obli ga tion of a direc tor of
Writing Panare: Portrait of a linguist on fieldwork (video
ing and informative. EWA is of interest to lexicog- Camera/sound/direc-. tion by P. AUL. H. ENLEY . Manchester: Gra-
2003 Financial Overview from the execu tive direc tor A Dream
tive direc. tor. Dear Friends,. The story of Heads Up will always be unfolding. ing circles of support and service. 2003 was a very full chapter in this