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It is the book in order to understand an imminent one carried out in the field of the energy; the fossil fuels, development engines of the industry above all in the western world from the beginning of the 900, are in order to become in eufemistico sense a "neck of bottle" in a position to strongly limiting the development of the world-wide economy but in truth one sword of Damocles in hand to the few holders of these resources; it is necessary therefore that the culture and the western scientific thought know to find solutions fairer and democratics to the problem of the energetic resources and that is the resource to the rinnovabili energies, a efficient distribution and a capillary I use that could be rendered possible by means of the use of the fuel hydrogen and cells.

After a careful analysis of the energetic resources, Jeremy Rifkin asserts that we are succeeds in to you near to consume half of all the world-wide reservoirs of oil and natural gas from the origins of the industrial development; beginning from that date, that it could happen within 10 or 20 years to the maximum, but also only within 3 or 4 years, the typical trend of these curves of the energetic consumption is the express to get exausted itself of the remaining half, with one run to corner and risks of nuclear wars also.

In fact beyond to the remarkable increase of the world-wide population the always greater consumptions of countries like China and India show oneself on the market with rates of growth and of development much more it elevates to you than those western ones, beyond to the countries of the third world.

The express development of the production of the motor vehicles and the consumer goodses all over the world has been rendered possible also from the new technologies like l.automazione and is therefore single resorting to the new technologies that can to my opinion be made forehead to the energetic problems and of supplying of the resources in future.

Paradoxically a development of the rinnovabili energies brings also to a greater valorization of fossil fuel, in how much their added value regarding the simple energy is that one to constitute the raw materials for the synthesis of the plastics, of textile fibres, for the construction of the auto bodies in glass fiber or material composite still more resistant; the importance of such materials, beyond that in terms of energetic saving and of the metals that replace, it can be seen also in the race of formula 1: all the auto race bodies are realized with material to most high resistance as Kevlar type, obtained however from hydrocarbons; two years ago during a formula 1 competition a pilot exited of track more than 300Km/h and was threaded under one ten of meters of rubber tires; extracted to hard work and given up, him got out without a single scratch; no other material would have had the same resistance.

In any case the human civilization is characterized from a exponential increase of the energy consumption, beyond that of the ability to dealing and elaborating information and is previewed also from the same oil companies the progressive increase percentage of the rinnovabili energies.

It supplies interesting and the disparati detailed analysis in fields more, from the crisis of the roman empire from the thermodynamic point of view to put into effect them problems in the world Muslim and the western world



    ●  Beyond the Atlantic - autobiographic novel of Olga Martinoli


The present problems in the economies of the industrialized countries impose a substantial renewal of the way to produce the assets and the services that implies a renewal of the society, that it values the culture and the acquaintance, in the way to produce and working also.

The evolution of the economy and the society of the western countries therefore needs of innovation but also to find again the memory of the own origins, the own history and the own past, either remote as more recent.

The author of this novel draws cue from the travels carries out in America to the continuation of the sister Anna, employee near a company to the vanguard in the software production and services to you to advancing technology, in order to that is reconstruct the remote history of the own long grandfathers who did not hesitate to face the uncertainty of and perilous travels in order to construct a future in the New World, in particular in the USA, and those more recent of theirs descendants, and of its relatives in America, by now asserted in just the field of activity.

Far from the "end of the history" preconized by guru badly informed or worse in bad faith that has continued to go forward and today it re-proposes, even if in more modern shapes but sure than not easier solution, situations that they were present in the history of its grandfathers: the necessity of a continuous modernization and innovation with the acceptance of the consequent risks but also the satisfaction of to have been and to continue to being craftsmen of the just future one, granting to the shadow of written "in God we the present trust" on every currency American. From Lussino, in Croatia to Italy, from Italy to the America it is a continuous one to narrate of human and personal vicissitudes that have in the reader the positive and corroborative effect to retrench the uncertainties in which we must to move evidencing how to the base of every successful construction there is the personal initiative that must take to the windward using the means that the system puts to disposition for to evolve like persons in the society, without to expect from the system answers or lines guide that it cannot and is not in the position to give; to the center of the development they are and they remain the person and the requirements of the development of the society in which we live and we operate.

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( Torino  University)  (Proxxon lathes)    (Ceriani lathes)  ( Valex lathe BV21 520)     ( Veprug lathes )  (Prazi lathes)   ( work examples on minilathes)        ( cheap minilathe )   (other cheap minilathe, 45 Kg)                         ( cheap minilathe, 45 Kg)   ( 9x20 inch lathes)   (numerical lathes progamming)


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links on environment phisics:  (enviroment; Switzerland University)


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