Alignment of the mirrors with one laser pen.

Placing the entire structure panel with mirrors and support on a horizontal plan we put a reference panel, as an example a chassis in wood, having the same dimensions of the panel of the mirrors and bringing, in place of these a white  paper or a polish semi-transparent, exactly on same the vertical one of the first one.


A laser pen is placed therefore  to the advanced, fixed center of telaietto to an opportune cardanic support (suspension of the compasses), so as to to be able to be oriented towards a any point of the inferior panel. The generic mirror in position i,j will correctly turn out oriented if, aimed the laser the center of such mirror, the reflected beam will go to illuminate the center of the paper sheet (or of the semi-transparent polish) placed exactly on the vertical one; if not it will be necessary  to orient the mirror so as to to obtain such result. Repeated the procedure for all the single mirrors, the corrected convergence of the solar light in every point of the panel will be obtained towards the chosen plan of  focalization.

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