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Agfa offre soluzioni di finanziamento flessibili adattate individualmente per soddisfare i vostri requisiti specifici. Si tratta di
:Avalon VLF Thermal, datasheet
Per ulteriori informazioni, contattare il rappresentante Agfa locale Thermostar sono marchi di Agfa-Gevaert N.V. Tutti gli altri nomi di marche,
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The Agfa-Gevaert Group is one of the world's leading imaging companies. Agfa develops, manufactures and markets analog and digital systems for the graphic
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Post-Newsweek Media Buys Agfa Platesetters for New State-of-the-Art Violet :Avalon LF Violet Platesetter from Agfa Graphics Now Available in North
[IHE-Cardiologia] Dario Masetti/AMGNS/MIL/AGFA/IT/BAYER assente
dario.masetti a agfa.com dario.masetti a agfa.com Mar 13 Dic 2005 01:00:23 CET. Messaggio precedente: [IHE-Cardiologia] FW: [HL7italia] HL7 aECG to SCP
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le informazioni necessarie per adoperare al meglio AGFA Internet Sales. reparti di AGFA, utilizzando per ognuno dei reparti uno specifico formulario.
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In line with Agfa's continuous focus to meet our business customers' expectations, via the Internet you can now place your orders 24/24, 7/7. New User?
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www.agfa.com - S.I.R.M. - Società Italiana di Radiologia Medica
L'indirizzo del collegamento è: http://www.agfa.com. Creato da amministratore Ultima modifica 28/07/2005 22:15. DISCLAIMER | PRIVACY | Sito ottimizzato per
PressZoom.com - Global News Service - News and Press Release
Agfa HealthCare presents its vision of the Electronic Patient Record to enhance Agfa HealthCare announces today that, with its integrated approach to
PressZoom.com - Global News Service - News and Press Release
Agfa HealthCare signs new PACS agreement with Novation to provide diverse Agfa HealthCare announces today that Novation, the industry’s leading health
Agfa Snapscan E 52 USB : comparativas, precios y compras online
Agfa Snapscan E 52 USB: Lee 2 opiniones de otros consumidores sobre Agfa Snapscan E 52 USB en Ciao.es. Compara precios para Escáners y encuentra las mejores
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<rdf:RDF xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/log#" xmlns:rdf
rdf:resource=&quot;http://www.agfa.com/w3c/rdf/rdfs-itive-subSubProperty/test003.nt&quot;/&gt;. &lt;rest xmlns=&quot;http://www.daml.org/2001/03/daml+oil#&quot;
CLX - Installation d'un scanner Snapscan e20 USB d'Agfa
Le scanner testé est un Agfa Snapscan e20 qui ne peut nativement fonctionner que sous Windows (ou Mac) car il n&#39;utilise pas le standard TWAIN,
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agfa digital imaging and electronic prepress systems

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Re: euler state of the art? from jos.deroo@agfa.com on 2006-11-06
On Mon, 2006-11-06 at 18:52 +0100, jos.deroo@agfa.com wrote: &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; The euler5 prolog version is best run as RESTfull webservice &gt; &gt; (see again
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