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International Prize for Digital Literature Submissions are open for the 3rd Ciutat de Vinaros International Prize of Digital Literature. There are three prizes in Digital Narrative (2500 Euros), Digital Poetry (2500 Euros) and a special “Vincent Ferrer Romero” Prize for the best Digital Rights Management Digital Rights Management is a broad term encompassing a variety of methods to protect digital media from piracy. Its history and current status exist with some interesting facts and legal controversy Digital identity allows us to manage risk - not prove negatives Jon’s piece channeled below, Steven O’Grady’s comments at RedMonk and Tim O’Reilly’s Blogger’s Code of Conduct all say important things about the horrifying Kathy Sierra situation. I agree with everyone that reputation is important, Bunnie on Digital and Analog Technology Electrical (and software) engineering is the platform on which modern music stands: electronic instruments, audio software, computer hardware, radio, and computer networks are all applications of electrical engineering and digital Analog vs. Digital Dials Many of these charecteristics can be simulated with a digital display but often times they are not because people no-longer see value in it. Is your data ambiguous? Are you giving people a false sense of precision with a digial display? FOSS infrastructure for Open Digital Villages Development FOSS infrastructure for Open Digital Villages (ODiVs): iFOSSF and oneVillage Foundation Partner to Create a Difference. April 10, 2007 San Jose CA USA - oneVillage Foundation has partnered with the International Free and Open Source How Popular is Your Camera Company Eastman Kodak Co., the only US company among the top five digital camera makers, ranked third with 10 percent, a drop from its 14.2 percent share a year earlier. Japan-based Olympus Corp., which came in fourth, trimmed its share to 8.6 DISC & DAT Music & Digital Audio/Video NewsTM A Obviously, there are many who think consumers won't spend the extra quarter to have music they can fer back and forth from their digital music players and computers easily now, and they can burn to CD without problems. Comment on Will Pando Solve Your Digital Media Problems Like It works well for large files too, and the recipient does not have to register 2.0 rc1 released A couple of weeks after 2.0 beta12, the Ardour team brings you 2.0rc1. Dozens of bug fixes, a few usability improvements, even a couple of new features (eg rename&delete snapshots). A DMG will be available soon.
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