Starting off from the idea of the urban sector, a residential block which I designed about two years ago,

 I attempted to compose a larger dwelling settlement, that could provide the resources for the collective

 life of a number of people, and organize them together in an integrated and organic  manner.

 This settlement can hold about 1 000 000 inhabitants. It is composed of several urban sectors, disposed

 one next to the other in two rows, along the north-south direction (in the view from above, to give an idea

 of north, the airport is off to the west).


 As I've already said about the paper drawings of the single urban sector, extensions of the dwellings (in-

 tegrating services, that is) have been set in close proximity of the homes. With respect to those initial draw-

 ings, I increased somewhat the number of grade-schools. In order to get an idea, I counted the schools in

 the town of Monza, where I live, of which there are about 30, by those I divided the number of the inhabit-

 ants, and so I found an indicative ratio of a number of grade-schools to a number of inhabitants. Moreover,

 I thought that kindergartens could be included in the residential buildings, on the top floors or on the roof,

 and that the middle-schools and high-schools could be arranged along the commercial streets, reachable

 by foot or by bus. The university buildings are situated in the cultural and sanitary center of the city. There-

 fore the child can start his school-attending period inside the residential buildings themselves, to then set

 out to the grade-schools near-by, along the walking lanes in the park; subsequently move on to the schools

 along the commercial streets, and ultimately to the university in the cultural and sanitary center.


 There is a network of subway that runs underground and has the same track as the middle highway, in the

 longitudinal direction, and cuts across every single urban sector along its center line, in the transverse di-

 rection. It is equipped with stations at every end of the transverse branches, and at every crossing of these

 with the middle longitudinal stretch. The vehicles are meant to be distinctly transversal or longitudinal: they

 both run their single stretch in one way and in the other uninterruptedly, from end to end, stopping at every

 station. Also the airport and the area of the stadium and the sports building are linked to the city through

 their own subway stop.


 There is a train station, elevated at 957 cm. from the ground. The railway tracks, also, travel at the height

 of 957 cm. Under the train station, there is a subway stop underground. Buses are another means of

 public transport, running on the highway, in the first lane to the right, and provided with bus-stops at every

 exit to the dwellings, offices or commercial streets. These elevated bus-stops are reachable by means of

 staircases and ramps, starting off from under the highways or from the sidewalks of the commercial streets.


 There are two collective urban centers: a cultural and sanitary center, and a civic center. The first one com-

 prises university and research buildings, an auditorium, a hospital and a museum; the second one, a tall

 building for the city administration and other offices (private and/or public), a religious building with a few

 annexed services, and a building for exhibitions and congresses. A Palace of Justice could be added to

 this second center, which I had not thought of before.


 Besides the ones hosting the civic and cultural/sanitary centers, particular urban sectors are those where

 the tall office buildings are located, with lakes and ponds, a few homes, and some areas dedicated to pro-

 ductive activities.





          General 2D view                                  2D view of city                           3D view from above                             3D view from south

                                                                                                                                             from east                            



      3D view from south-east                          3D view from west                          3D view from west                3D view from north-west                        




             3D view from north                 3D view from north-east                          3D view from east                          3D view from east




              Cult./sanit. center area                   Behind tall buildings                  From near some homes                                      From north




 Toward cult./sanit. center        Id., from the ground near homes                                      From south                   From near the highway




        Toward civic center                   Behind civic center                                       Civic center                         View from admin. building






                           Urban sector: 2D side





       From behind admin. building                 Toward admin. building                 Urban sector:                            Urban sector: 2D  front                       

                                                                                                                              2D from above



            Homes: ground floor                     Homes: garages floor                    Homes: typical floor                  3D view of exit to garages

                             + 0.00                                         + 521 cm.                         



         To garages of homes                           Garages of homes                  View of garages of homes               Highway exit to homes




          Commercial street:                                                                       Civic center:                                        Cultural/sanitary center:

                   2D from above                                                                    2D from above                                                        2D from above




                 Subway network                                                 Train station: 2D from above                                       Train station: section




           Office building:                  Office building: detail                   Office building: central area                            Office building: 2D

           2D from above                                                                                                                                                              of mezzanine




             Office building: section




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