of the RAILROAD TRACKS

                        Project of 380 residences and their extensions


This is an architectural project imagined in the town of Bergamo, Italy, in an area south of the railroad tracks, east

of the Morla torrent.

Beginning from the second half of the XIX century, the expansion of the downhill town has been charecterised by

the designing and construction of large plants of buildings, with several different purposes, around which  the town

went organizing itself. These plants have been the monumental cemetery, the neuropsychiatric hospital, the major

hospital, and the residential neighborhood on Carducci street.











Neighborhood on

Carducci street


      Major Hospital



In this area, seeing the diposition and the dimensions of the buildings, which are scho-

ols and the Gavazzeni clinic, the idea of the project was to try to define a group of

buildings, on a quadrangular plan, which would be similar in size to other plants of

the town. I thought of two rectilinear buildings of 178 mt. and 130 mt. in length, con-

sisting of two-floor apartments integrated by some common services, such as a kin-

dergarten, a few common rooms for clubs and associations, a gymnasium, a swim-

ming pool and, a little far off, a soccer field with a track. These services are thought

of as extensions of the residences but also accessible and usable from outside.






                                     Plan of project                                                      View from south                                          View from north                                 




             Plan of underground                                                     Plan of ground floor                                                 Plan of typical floor

             parking and garages



                Section of one dwelling







                                     Plan of a big apartment





                             Plan of a little apartment


                                 General section




                             Plan of a corner apartment                               View of a big apt.                                      Inside views: the liv.-room




                 The upper floor                                   Toward the stairs          Balcony seen from inside                     Balcony from outside





        Exterior of balconies                                                             Exterior at corner                                               Exterior of corridors





                                       External views                                                         External view from a corridor




     HANDWORK & DESIGN                                                                                                                                           HOMEPAGE