Feb 12, 2000
name=Joe Buzzelli
message=I listened to the sound clip from the nearfest homepage,
I havent heard some thing this good in a while. awesome!
Mar 30, 2000
name=Horatio Pintea
message= I heard some positive comments about your Duty Free Area
album and got it in November of '99. I have to say that in my
opinion it is a great album from the beginning to the end. It
is the album that I have listened to the most over the past five
months. Even now I can still listen to it with great pleasure
and I can definitely say that it is my top album of 1999.
I am very excited that you will be playing at Nearfest. I can't
wait to see you perform.
I hope you are working on your next album because I will definitely
be among the first to buy it.
You guys deserve more recognition in the prog world. Keep up the
good work.
Thanks for the great music.
Sep 14, 2000
name=Dave Sherwood
message=Saw you at NEARFest, incredible show. I'm totally hooked
now. Can't stop listening to Duty Free Area, and will be waiting
impatiently for the next CD.
Dec 4, 2000
nome=A. Mico
citta'=Lon (din) don
messaggio=D.F.A.! D.F.A.! D.F.A.!
Dec 26, 2000
message=duty free area is my favourite record for 2000
Feb 5, 2001
message=Hello, I've just bought your "Duty free area" CD and I
think that it's a very good album... Continue in that Way ! I
hope you'll come soon in France.
Mar 31, 2001
name=Renaud Oualid / Harmonie
country=Marseille, France
message=Hello DFAManiacs ! I'm VERY proud that you will come to
our second PROG SUD Festival in Marseille (Cote d'Azur) in june
2001 (8-9) !!! I'm a huge fan from the 1st album "Lavori in Corso"
and I think that the 2nd "Duty Free Area" is even better ;-))
Your web site is cool too ;-D See ya in Marseille soon...
May 9, 2001
message=hello i'm happy to know you will play in france for prog'sud