, Mon, 09 Jul 2007 20:37:33 GMT --> turbo tax state
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Airport helped Flint get its mojo back The Times of Northwest Indiana
FLINT, Mich. | Just four years into his job as director of Bishop International Airport, Jim Rice was wondering just how much longer he would be calling Flint home.
Newton chases developers, too The Des Moines Register
Newton is revved up about its new $70 million racetrack and hopes the speedway can turbo charge a financially distressed town with an entertainment
Resources boom creates economic dilemma Australian Broadcasting Corporation
KERRY O'BRIEN: Welcome to the program. If there was any confirmation needed of Australia's huge resources boom, it came today with figures showing that mining exports hit a record $90 billion for the past year - jumping by a third. Most of that boom is happening in Western Australia.
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After eight years, Hooked on the Outdoors Magazine, with editorial offices in Boulder, CO, is officially ceasing publication. “We are making this announcement with much remorse and sadness.
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Our attributable earnings for the financial year that ended on 30 June 2006 increased by 10% from R9,4 billion to R10,4 billion. Our earnings per share of R16,73 and headline earnings per share of R22,93 were respectively 9% and 33% higher than those of the previous year.
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Car Quiz Fort Wayne Journal Gazette
1. What is the base price of the new 500-horsepower Ford Mustang Shelby GT500? a. $38,950 b. $42,975
Questions & answers 09/03/06 News-Herald
Matthew Schenk, assistant county executive for Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano, participated in a question-and-answer session with Heritage Newspapers after his presentation last week to the Grosse Ile Township Board of Trustees.
Reality Check: Gov. Pawlenty's Ad WCCO Minneapolis/St. Paul
Gov. Tim Pawlenty has launched his first television campaign ad and it's mostly accurate. Watch The Video More Reality Check More Political News
Defender refined for 2007
Greater ability both on-road and off-road plus increased comfort, performance and refinement are among the major improvements introduced for the Land Rover Defender for 2007.

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Illinois inheritence state tax - State Taxes - TurboTax User Forums
Turbo Tax will actually figure this out and tell you at some point in the program based on the state you listed in your personal information.
How do I amend a previous year of state tax? - State Taxes
Turbo Tax does not want to let me get to my previous State Tax to amend it? How do I get to do that? Libba. 07-28-2006 09:02 PM, Report Abuse to a Moderator

Illinois inheritence state tax - State Taxes - TurboTax User Forums
Turbo Tax will actually figure this out and tell you at some point in the program based on the state you listed in your personal information.
How do I amend a previous year of state tax? - State Taxes
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    , Mon, 09 Jul 2007 20:37:33 GMT -->