One on One with Cody Lusk, AIADA’s New President American International Automobile Dealers Association
The 2005 annual report of the UnitedAuto Group, a major retailer of imported luxury automobiles, had an interesting headline responding to the SEC’s legal requirements for statements of potential negative or adverse affects on a company’s profitability.
Airport helped Flint get its mojo back The Times of Northwest Indiana
FLINT, Mich. | Just four years into his job as director of Bishop International Airport, Jim Rice was wondering just how much longer he would be calling Flint home.
Piedmont Courts given unfair Section 8 blame The Charlotte Observer
In response to "Low-income clusters thwart housing goal" (Sept. 10):As a social worker involved with families relocated from Piedmont Courts, I find it insulting and downright slanderous that they have become the scapegoats of the affordable housing problem in Mecklenburg County.
OB Industry News Sporting Goods Business
After eight years, Hooked on the Outdoors Magazine, with editorial offices in Boulder, CO, is officially ceasing publication. “We are making this announcement with much remorse and sadness.
Reviewed Consolidated Results and Declaration of Dividend Number 54 of Sasol Limited for the Year Ended 30 June 2006 FinanzNachrichten
Our attributable earnings for the financial year that ended on 30 June 2006 increased by 10% from R9,4 billion to R10,4 billion. Our earnings per share of R16,73 and headline earnings per share of R22,93 were respectively 9% and 33% higher than those of the previous year.
Better to give, but get a receipt San Jose Mercury News
The nation's new pension law may have an unexpected effect on your ability to deduct charitable contributions. The Pension Protection Act of 2006, passed last month, was aimed at shoring up the beleaguered defined-benefit pension system. But it includes a variety of unrelated provisions, including some that govern the type of proof that will now be required to claim tax breaks for gifts to
Reviewed Consolidated Results and Declaration of Dividend Number 54 of Sasol Limited for the Year Ended 30 June 2006 PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Teller admits taking $40,000 in coins from bank La Crosse Tribune
MADISON — A La Crosse woman pleaded guilty Thursday in federal court to embezzling about $40,000 in coins over seven years while a head vault teller for U.S. Bank in La Crosse.
Kathy Kristof: Charitable donations get stricter tax rules Miami Herald
Charitable donations get stricter tax rules The nation's new pension law may have an unexpected effect on your ability to deduct charitable contributions.
Charitable donations hit with tougher tax rules Sun-Sentinel
The nation's new pension law may have an unexpected effect on your ability to deduct charitable contributions.
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Use EasyStep to Prepare Your Return in TurboTax EasyStep in TurboTax (tax year 1999) determines and completes all the appropriate tax forms based on your
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After installing TurboTax, we allowed the program to update itself across the Internet, and then prepared a simple TurboTax return for a Ms. Nona Yerbizness