, Mon, 09 Jul 2007 20:38:02 GMT --> turbo tax for small business
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PEACEFUL, WESTGREYCounty winterized trailer, with add-on. One bedroom, large Orangeville Citizen
PEACEFUL, WESTGREYCounty winterized trailer, with add-on. One bedroom, large living room, dining room, 4 piece bathroom. Walk out to private deck, double lane parking.
Airport helped Flint get its mojo back The Times of Northwest Indiana
FLINT, Mich. | Just four years into his job as director of Bishop International Airport, Jim Rice was wondering just how much longer he would be calling Flint home.
Piedmont Courts given unfair Section 8 blame The Charlotte Observer
In response to "Low-income clusters thwart housing goal" (Sept. 10):As a social worker involved with families relocated from Piedmont Courts, I find it insulting and downright slanderous that they have become the scapegoats of the affordable housing problem in Mecklenburg County.
OB Industry News Sporting Goods Business
After eight years, Hooked on the Outdoors Magazine, with editorial offices in Boulder, CO, is officially ceasing publication. “We are making this announcement with much remorse and sadness.
Sasol’s star rises in Beijing Mineweb
JOHANNESBURG ( --Sasol CEO Pat Davies could hardly hide his enthusiasm during presentation of the group’s half-year results at his company’s Johannesburg head office on Monday. “China has all the oil it needs,” Davies told a large, puzzled audience.
Straight Up: Entrepreneurs, Start Your Wikis Forbes
Wikipedia's group-think technology has big implications for small businesses. Here's how to harness its power.
Charitable donations hit with tougher tax rules Sun-Sentinel
The nation's new pension law may have an unexpected effect on your ability to deduct charitable contributions.
Questions & answers 09/03/06 News-Herald
Matthew Schenk, assistant county executive for Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano, participated in a question-and-answer session with Heritage Newspapers after his presentation last week to the Grosse Ile Township Board of Trustees.
Charitable Donations Get Stricter Tax Rules Los Angeles Times
Soon you'll need a receipt or canceled check for every gift. And those old jeans must be in 'good' shape.
Bowser blues and how to beat them
Tired of emptying your wallet into the petrol tank? There are ways to drive your dollar further, writes BILL McKINNON.

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Tax software for small businesses. From the Manufacturer TurboTax Business, from the makers of QuickBooks software, has everything for your Corporation
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Written exclusively for TurboTax Personal and Business for eBay Sellers a nationally recognized expert on the legal and tax problems of small business,
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Many small-business owners recoil at the horror of doing taxes. Tax software can help. Using a package such as TurboTax Business or TaxAct can help you
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Small business forms, guides and resources from to help your Turbo Tax Business: One among several popular business software programs
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Intuit - Business and financial management software for small [New Window]. TurboTax Deluxe 2005 for Windows & Mac · TurboTax Deluxe 2005 Everything you
Small and Family Business Financial Information and Resources
Resources and advice for owners of small or family businesses, including writing a business plan, financing, incorporating, insuring your business, tax

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  • turbo
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    , Mon, 09 Jul 2007 20:38:02 GMT -->