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K Records' Calvin Johnson Hospitalized; Benefit Shows Planned Pitchfork
According to K Records manager Mariella Luz, label founder Calvin Johnson and the members of Dub Narcotic Sound System were injured last Wednesday, October 15th, when their tour van swerved to avoid a deer en route to Fargo, ND. Though drummer Heather Dunn felt "pretty beat up and feeling quite sore" after the accident, Dub Narcotic bassist Chris Sutton and Johnson both required hospitalization.
Feature: Get creative MacCentral Online
Life isn't always all work and no play. When the day is done and Mac users go home, they have a load of creative tools at their disposal. Here are our favorite tips for when it's time to get creative.
Postal Service Accuse Apple of Plagiarism Pitchfork
Like Motley Crüe before them, the Postal Service just can’t seem to escape controversy. Way back in 2003 it was a cease-and-desist order from the United States Postal Service, which resulted in a bizarre cross-marketing compromise . Now it’s Apple Computers and a couple of shifty directors who have allegedly maligned the soft-spoken electro-pop duo by aping their "Such Great Heights" music video
For The Record: Quick News On Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Kevin Federline, Avenged Sevenfold & More MTV Music Television
Aguilera is creating a video montage of fan testimonials for her upcoming tour. The singer is asking fans to send in video clips lasting 15 seconds or less that express what Aguilera's music means to them and how it has inspired them.
Deerhoof to Launch U.S. Fall Tour Next Week Pitchfork
There comes a time in a man's life that a niche in his brain stirs up the most random of desires; everyone has experienced at least one of these, I'm sure of it.
Hampir Perfect RedNova
By Ahmad Azrai FIRST of all, let me just say that I am pretty much a power user of computers.
Weezer Scrap Fifth LP, Start Again from Scratch Pitchfork
After an uncharacteristically productive period in 2001 and 2002, during which they released their first albums in five years, Weezer have been taking things relatively slow, perhaps taking extra care to ensure that their long-gestating (and still forthcoming) fifth full-length exceeds the expectations of their notoriously hardass fanbase.
How the major players dealt with the Cruise chaos Reuters via Yahoo! News
Money might have been at the root of the dramatic public breakup that saw Paramount Pictures end its 14-year partnership with Tom Cruise and his production company Cruise/Wagner Prods. this week. But in its bitter wake, reputations -- which can be invaluable in Hollywood -- also are at stake.
How the major players dealt with the Cruise chaos Entertainment Weekly
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Money might have been at the root of the dramatic public breakup that saw Paramount Pictures end its 14-year partnership with Tom Cruise and his production company Cruise/Wagner Prods. this week.

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    , Mon, 09 Jul 2007 20:36:35 GMT -->