Malicious code targets Unpatched flaw in Internet Explorer IT Observer
A critical vulnerability is identified in Internet Explorer versions 5+ and above. Security experts at MicroWorld Technologies say a malicious code named 'Exploit.HTML.VML' is being actively exploited by Pornographic and other shady websites to install Spyware and Trojans into user computers without their knowledge.
Update: Rise in VML attacks prompt Code Yellow InfoWorld via Yahoo! News
The SANS Internet Storm Center on Friday raised its threat level to yellow after observing an increase in the number of Internet-based attempts to exploit a zero-day vulnerability discovered earlier in the week.
Update: 809 Area Code Scam KOMO
It's been around for years, but now there are more area codes to be aware of before you call a number from someone who contacts you by e-mail, fax, voice mail or pager.
Current Newswire: Linux Today
"For a while, Debian was the community Linux darling. In its heyday, Debian was known for its strong moral point of view and its outstanding code. Numerous important distributions, such as Linspire, Knoppix, and today's most popular distribution, Ubuntu, have sprung from it. Things have changed.
Milwaukie planning panel sets sign code meeting The Oregonian
The Milwaukie Planning Commission has scheduled a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday on proposed revisions to the city's sign code. The hearing will be at City Hall, 10722 S.E. Main St.
Software converts documents into SEC compliant format. ThomasNet
SEC Publisher v4.3 is an SEC filing preparation software that converts all document formats, including PDF and Microsoft® Word, into 100% SEC Compliant HTML and ASCII. Software converts documents at average of 4 pages/sec. SEC Compliant editing tools include code validation feature for checking HTML and ASCII integrity during editing process.
Current Newswire: Linux Today
"You've decided to expand your horizons. You've been programming exclusively in Java (or C++, or Perl, or Ruby) for a while now. You're happy and productive, but you have this nagging feeling that you're solving problems by rote rather than thinking as creatively as you once did.
Current Newswire: Linux Today
"Linux is known for running well (or at least running) on older hardware and exotic platforms.
IE Bug Can Be Exploited Via E-Mail InformationWeek
Just previewing a message could result in a computer hijacked by a bot or loaded with adware, spyware, or other malicious code, a researcher says.
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