, Mon, 09 Jul 2007 20:36:32 GMT --> extended stay deluxe
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The changing face of Chiang Mai The Star Online
Chiang Mai is a town in transition. The northern provincial capital, once a sleepy backpacker haven, has expanded rapidly in recent years.
Postal Service Accuse Apple of Plagiarism Pitchfork
Like Motley Crüe before them, the Postal Service just can’t seem to escape controversy. Way back in 2003 it was a cease-and-desist order from the United States Postal Service, which resulted in a bizarre cross-marketing compromise . Now it’s Apple Computers and a couple of shifty directors who have allegedly maligned the soft-spoken electro-pop duo by aping their "Such Great Heights" music video
County eyes crackdown on RV parking Santa Cruz Sentinel
Hit the road, Jack. That's what residents could soon tell recreational vehicle owners if an ordinance before the Board of Supervisors today passes. It would ban RVs from being parked for extended periods on some county roads.
Company man sets sail for a better life after retirement
FUKUI--When Yasuo Mukobata returned to Japan after eight years working in Malaysia, he found he didn't have the stomach to be a corporate warrior anymore.
Homeless by choice Jackson Hole News
Whenever Rich Taylor takes groups of people down the Snake River, he tries to act professional. So when his passengers ask him, “How’s living in Jackson?” Taylor, who has long hair and is English, usually responds by telling them he decided to invest and buy a place in town.
Police make prostitution arrest at Lombard extended-stay hotel Lombardian
Lombard police surfed the net and walked away with a prostitution arrest last week. According to Lombard police Detective Lt. Tom Wirsing, officers checked out a popular "list" Web site and found a listing for Lombard.

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Studio PLUS Deluxe Studios - Large hotel rooms with a kitchen and
Studio PLUS ® is now a partner of Extended Stay Hotels SM. The largest selection of extended stay 2006, StudioPLUS Deluxe Studios® All Rights Reserved.
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The Northern Light - UAA falls short in Extended Stay Deluxe
It took a fifth and final match for the Briar Cliff Chargers (7-2) at the Wells Fargo Sports Complex to claim the championship of the Extended Stay Deluxe

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    , Mon, 09 Jul 2007 20:36:32 GMT -->