, Mon, 09 Jul 2007 20:42:55 GMT --> cheat deluxe edition money sims
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the sims deluxe edition cheat chea The Sims Deluxe Edition
The Sims Deluxe Edition Open Cheat Screen: ------------------ Press [Ctrl] + Now type in "rosebud" and your money will go up by 1000 Simoleons.
The Sims Deluxe Edition
Chea for The Sims Deluxe Edition. ok first do shift control c and then put in rosebud;';';' and even when it says no such cheat look at the money thingi.
The New Game-Generation / Koder / Dataspill / The Sims Deluxe Edition
The Sims Deluxe Edition. OK, you have to read all of this, If your sick of those money chea that you have to keep bringing up the grey box to get the
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Does anyone w a cheat for the sims deluxe edition that can change a kid's face? Hi Catlover919 do you w the money cheat cause it is

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The Sims Deluxe Edition. OK, you have to read all of this, If your sick of those money cheats that you have to keep bringing up the grey box to get the
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Sims - Deluxe Edition cheat codes galore for pc, with cheats, codes and hints HOW TO MOVE INTO A BIGGER HOUSE - FIRST HAVE THE MONEY THEN CLICK BULLDOZE
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Does anyone know a cheat for the sims deluxe edition that can change a kid's face? Hi Catlover919 do you know the money cheat cause it is
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Sims, The: Deluxe Edition cheats, cheat codes and hints for PC. in rosebud;: then keep your finger on Enter and you will see money go up by the second.
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Get reviews and ratings on the The Sims Deluxe Edition Compare editorial and user Managing your Sims and getting more money is the challenge and fun,
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The Sims Deluxe Edition is basically the original Sims game plus the This is my own opinion of the game, but once you get the money cheat and have

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    , Mon, 09 Jul 2007 20:42:55 GMT -->