Symbol Technologies Introduces Digital Imager With Bar Code, Imaging and Enhanced Text Reading Capabilities SYS-CON Media
Symbol Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: SBL), The Enterprise Mobility Company(TM), today introduced the DS6707 handheld digital imager scanner designed for bar code scanning and image capture in a multitude of environments.
Symbol Technologies Introduces Digital Imager With Bar Code, Imaging and Enhanced Text Reading Capabilities SYS-CON Media
Symbol Technologies, Inc. , The Enterprise Mobility Company(TM), today introduced the DS6707 handheld digital imager scanner designed for bar code scanning and image capture in a multitude of environments. The DS6707 builds on Symbol's legacy of innovation by creating a handheld scanner with a 1.3 Megapixel imager capable of capturing and transferring images up to 8.5 x 11 inches (21.59 cm x
Bar Code Labels identify reusable containers. ThomasNet
Made of pliable polyester that is suited for curved drum surfaces, Container Bar Code Labels ensure proper tracking and return of reusable containers. Adhesive is specially formulated for polyethylene or polypropylene containers. Subsurface printing eliminates need for laminate while protecting logos, copy, and bar code against extreme solvents, caustics, acids, and moderate abrasion. Digital
Fujitsu 'invisible' bar code to enhance mobile shopping MobileMag
Your mobile phone can see these bar codes, even if you can't. Fujitsu has come up with a shopping system that involves bar codes and cell phones and a specific combination thereof.
Motorola Bellies Up to the Bar Code CRM Daily
Motorola Chief Executive Ed Zander took a significant step toward making the cell-phone giant into the versatile communications giant he has always desired. Zander announced Tuesday an agreement to buy Symbol Technologies, a maker of bar code and inventory scanning technology, for about $3.9 billion. The acquisition enables Motorola to boost sales of wireless handheld devices to corporate
Motorola to buy bar-code scanner firm for $3.9b Boston Globe
Motorola Inc. , the world's second-largest maker of mobile phones, agreed to buy Symbol Technologies Inc. for $3.9 billion to expand into the market for handheld retail bar-code scanners.
Bar code no guarantee that the price is right The Wichita Eagle
Just about every product available at a supermarket or any other retail store bears a tag with the familiar Universal Product Code (UPC), the small box that contains a series of numbers and a set of black bars. When passed over a checkout counter scanner, the UPC is decoded by a computer, which sends the item's price back to the register.
School crafts code of conduct East Valley Tribune
Cave Creek's high school is encouraging athletes to think twice about their actions off the field with a school-wide athletic code of conduct enacted this year.
School crafts code of conduct East Valley Tribune
Cave Creek's high school is encouraging athletes to think twice about their actions off the field with a schoolwide athletic code of conduct enacted this year.
Symbol Technologies introduces digital imager with bar code Antara News
(Full text of a statement. Contact details below.)
Howstuffworks "How UPC Bar Codes Work"
Every product at the supermarket has a UPC bar code. Find out what these codes do and learn how you can decode them without a scanner.
Bar Code Graphics - bar code,UPC EAN ISBN bookland ean symbols
Assisting other companies with getting high quality bar code symbols on their products and shipments.
Bar Code Art by Scott Blake
Pop and op, intellectual and personal, minimal and ocular, appropriated and original. Scott creates highly charged work that deserves to be seen.
Barcode Server
A server that generates barcode images upon request. Source code available.
Bar Code Primer - Introduction to Barcoding - Worth Data USA
Introduction to bar code readers and barcode printing from Worth Data Inc.
Bar Code Art by Scott Blake
Pop and op, intellectual and personal, minimal and ocular, appropriated and original. Scott creates highly charged work that deserves to be seen.
Scott Blake - Bar Code Art
Barcode Server
A server that generates barcode images upon request. Source code available.
Bar Code Primer - Introduction to Barcoding - Worth Data USA
Introduction to bar code readers and barcode printing from Worth Data Inc.
Uniform Code Council (UCC)
From bar codes, eCommerce, and data synchronization, to EPC/RFID, and business process automation standards, GS1 US is the trusted source to deliver
Bar Code History Page
This page contains a short history of bar code technology.
Bar Code DLLs - Add barcode printing to applications written in VB
Create high quality, device independent, Windows MetaFile graphics. Includes programming examples and free bar code tutorial.
Barcode Scanner, Asset Tracking, Inventory Control, Biometric Time
Barcoding, data capture and tracking solutions designed specifically for small businesses. Includes software and hardware for asset tracking,