ALP-SAT main
minimal projected lifetime of 3 years. radiation is measured by a silicium photodiode. longtime measurements is the degradation of the filters.
High Thermal Conductivity Silicon-28
Intel has estimated that a 10oC temperature decrease will double the lifetime of a device10. of Hot Electron Degradation in Metal Oxide Semiconductor
Semiconductor Physics
for determining effective nonradiative lifetime and leakage losses in double Opdorp, "Analysis of LED degradation; protonbombarded GaAs", Solid‐State
Newsletter from Fluitec International Online
Silicium, C02), which are largely depending from its energy source. excessive oil degradation; consumption during the lifetime of the power
AL-Zeeuw et al-Aug03-layout-ne
components, releasing volatile column-degradation products into the carrier-gas stream. Silicium will not ionize in a flame ion- ization detector,
Green Building Store - Windows, Doors & Conservatories
from the sun causes degradation and eventual damage to PVC timber windows can and do last the lifetime of the building in which they are installed'
References by Journal
Growth and Doping of AlGaN Alloys by ECR-assisted MBE RADIATIVE LIFETIME OF EXCITONS IN GaInN/GaN QUANTUM WELLS. Fabrication of GaN mesa structures
Keyword Index of MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research
filtering, deformation potential, degradation, delta-doping, density, desorption SiC SURFACE PREPARATION, Silicium, silicon, silicon carbide, silicon
Electrostatic discharges on solar arrays: common characteristics with vacuum arcs
During its lifetime, a satellite on a geo-stationary orbit is charged by samples (solar cells made of silicium with silver connectors above and below
istors MOS réalisés dans du silicium polycristallin à gros grains", H. current modeling and carrier lifetime extraction in dual-gate fully silicium+lifetime+degradation: silicium+lifetime+degradation