Getting number of IE browsers open
through all the IE windows to find a match. You could modify this simply count open windows. Bret def self._find(how, what) shell ="Shell.Application") ieTemp = nil shell.Windows.each do |window| next unless (window.path
Screen: All in one
Aside from the loss of time that causes the previously mentioned operation, every new shell session takes averagely 6 to 8 MB of RAM on the local machine, hence the need for multiple shell windows inside a single session.
windows virtual desktops chew…dual monitors and vnc better
windows xp and “virtual desktops” sucks. training windows to stick to just one windows sucks when you can’t hit alt-tab and see exactly where the window you that pops up–which happens when you’ve got too many shell windows open.
watin and vista rc1
does not return the ie windows that watin has created, as expected. a solution here may be to replace that code with win32 code that gets the window title, but it essentially looks like the shellwindows command does not work as expected
slowboat to china!
r1 - hkcu\software\microsoft\internet explorer\main,window title = tiscali 10.0 r1 - hkcu\software\microsoft\internet connection wizard,shellnext =
The default name for all shell windows can be set with the "shelltitle" command in the .screenrc file, while all other windows are created with a "screen" command and thus can have their name set with the -t option.
[wtr-general] handle exhaustion
def window shell = 'shell.application' while true do do |window| process_id = watir.process_id_from_hwnd window.hwnd # puts "window name: #{}, process id: #{process_id}"
links for 2006-07-28
(tags: application shell windows). babylon 5 dvd adventures. the thrust of the news is this: straight-to-video babylon 5 adventuresinvolving b5 characters in an anthology formatshould arrive late next year. written and directed by
programming :: re: select path in windows explorer
function'shdocvw.internetexplorer hwnd ;returns internetexplorer interface of windows explorer window. shdocvw.shellwindows sw._create shdocvw.internetexplorer ie foreach(ie sw) ,int h=ie.hwnd; err continue ,if(h=hwnd) ret ie
powershell and cmd.exe
i’m getting to like windows powershell quite a lot. specifically, pile of rank excrement it comes embedded in: that vile ol’ cmd.exe shell window. every other text environment does (eg notepad, most shell windows in linux, etc.

How to Enumerate Web Browser Windows and Retrieve Document Info
If the item is IWebBrowser2 - the window is a Web Browser window. ShellWindows.Free; end; end;. The code above fills a TListBox named "BrowserList" with
Automate the Active Windows Explorer or Internet Explorer Window
While examining the shell windows list of ShellWindows object, I get a by-product: it seems that the Windows Explorer windows also have a common window
ShellWindows Object
The ShellWindows object represents a collection of the open windows that belong to the Shell. Methods are provided that can be used to control and execute
The Old New Thing : Using script to query information from
Let's use one of the languages the ShellWindows object was designed for to enumerate all the open shell windows. Run it with the command line cscript
Problem accessing parts of IHtmlDocument2 via .net interop on
ShellWindows m_IEFoundBrowsers = new ShellWindowsClass(); foreach (InternetExplorer Browser in m_IEFoundBrowsers) {. if ((int)win.Window == Browser.HWND)

ShellWindows Object
The ShellWindows object represents a collection of the open windows that belong to the Shell. Methods are provided that can be used to control and execute
The Old New Thing : Using script to query information from
Let's use one of the languages the ShellWindows object was designed for to enumerate all the open shell windows. Run it with the command line cscript
The Old New Thing : Querying information from an Explorer window
Using script to query information from Internet Explorer windows. Tuesday, July 05, 2005 10:00 AM by The Old New Thing. The ShellWindows object was designed
Problem accessing parts of IHtmlDocument2 via .net interop on
ShellWindows m_IEFoundBrowsers = new ShellWindowsClass(); foreach (InternetExplorer Browser in m_IEFoundBrowsers) {. if ((int)win.Window == Browser.HWND)
CodeGuru: Creating an Internet Explorer Helper Class
ShellWindows collection to enumerate all the instances of Shell Windows. The ShellWindows object represents a collection of the open windows that belong to
ASPN : Python Cookbook : Connecting to running instances of IE on
NoneType: return True else: return False # Lets create an instance of ShellWindows Interface pItf = CreateInstance(ShellWindows) windows = pItf #Get num of
TeamDev Support Forums : Finding IE Browser Windows
ShellWindows shellWindows = new ShellWindows(); IShellWindows windows = shellWindows.queryInterface(new IWebBrowser2Impl()); I get the following exception:
ShellWindows shellWindows = new SHDocVw.ShellWindows(); foreach ( object window in shellWindows ) { SHDocVw.InternetExplorer t = window as SHDocVw.

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