Laptop-like UMPC from Japan MobileMag
I keep telling you that the more compact the laptop, the better, and if you happen to toss in a swiveling display, that's a definite bonus. If you're in the market for a compact computing solution but want to try something new at the same time, then have a nice long look at the Kohjinsha SA1F00A.
Court to Hear Google-Newspaper Fight Bay News 9 Tampa Bay
BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -- A Belgian court on Friday will hear Google Inc.'s defense against local newspaper complaints that it stole content from their Web sites without paying them or asking their permission.
Internationalizing the Internet CircleID
One topic does not appear to have a compellingly obvious localization solution in the multi-lingual world, and that is the Domain Name System (DNS). The subtle difference here is that the DNS is the glue that binds all users' language symbols together, and performing localized adaptations to suit local language use needs is not enough. What we need is a means to allow all of these language
Warning MobileMag
Hot off the latest Sprint Motorola campaign is the Red MotoRazr V3m. This thing is red-hot, if you purchase one, a share of the proceeds will go to support The Global Fund to fight AIDS, tubersis and malaria.
Hugh Thompson Answers Voting Machine Security Questions Slashdot
You posted your questions for Herbert H. Thompson, PhD, on November 3rd and 4th. He decided to wait to answer until after the election in case there was a flagrant voting machine problem he could include in his answers -- and there has been at least one, but it is probably not a "security" problem per se, and is a long way from being resolved in any case. So here we go. Good food for thought
Report: Illegal immigrants use fewer medical services than citizens North County Times
NORTH COUNTY -- A new study suggests the public cost of providing health care to illegal immigrants may be much lower than other studies have found.
Expectations rise for immigration reform North County Times
Even with a Democrat-controlled Congress, President George Bush may still have a tough time turning his so-called comprehensive immigration reform plan into law, analysts say.
The Search Engine Report - Number 119 Search Engine Watch
Search Engine Watch editor-in-chief Danny Sullivan recaps top search engine stories from October 2006.
Emirates Air to allow in-flight cell calls MobileMag
Emirates Air is embracing in-flight mobile phone calls, no doubt to the applause of some people and the consternation of many more. The airline has entered into a partnership with Aeromobile, which will set rates and also offer 777 service.
Rights groups file lawsuit against Escondido housing ordinance North County Times
SAN DIEGO ---- A coalition of civil rights groups and private attorneys filed a lawsuit Friday aimed at striking down an Escondido ordinance that prohibits landlords from renting to illegal immigrants.

Txt - Borsa Italiana
18/04/2006 Txt E-Solutions. ( file pdf - 66,29 kb). Elenco Completo ». Specialista. Aletti & C. Banca D'Investimento Mobiliare S.P.A.
Press release : TXT E-SOLUTIONS CompanynewsGroup
TXT e-solutions: ricavi 41,3 milioni di Euro (+5,4%) primi nove mesi 2006, EBT in diminuzione. Il CdA approva due nuove “joint venture.
Press release : TXT E-SOLUTIONS CompanynewsGroup
Hellmann Meyer & Meyer si affida a TXT per l’integrazione di clienti e partner della supply chain in Europa ed Estremo Oriente.
SoldiOnline PROFILISOCIETARI TXT e-solutions
TXT e-solutions opera nel mercato informatico, focalizzando la propria attenzione su Le principali aree attività di TXT e-solutions sono quattro.
(TXTS.MI) TXT e-solutions al Microsoft CONVERGENCE EMEA 2006
MI) TXT e-solutions al Microsoft CONVERGENCE EMEA 2006 presenta CDP4AX, la sua soluzione Consumer Driven Planning per il mercato CPG, parte dell

Press release : TXT E-SOLUTIONS CompanynewsGroup
TXT e-solutions: ricavi 41,3 milioni di Euro (+5,4%) primi nove mesi 2006, EBT in diminuzione. Il CdA approva due nuove “joint venture.
Press release : TXT E-SOLUTIONS CompanynewsGroup
Hellmann Meyer & Meyer si affida a TXT per l’integrazione di clienti e partner della supply chain in Europa ed Estremo Oriente.
SoldiOnline PROFILISOCIETARI TXT e-solutions
TXT e-solutions opera nel mercato informatico, focalizzando la propria attenzione su Le principali aree attività di TXT e-solutions sono quattro.
(TXTS.MI) TXT e-solutions al Microsoft CONVERGENCE EMEA 2006
MI) TXT e-solutions al Microsoft CONVERGENCE EMEA 2006 presenta CDP4AX, la sua soluzione Consumer Driven Planning per il mercato CPG, parte dell
(TXTS.MI) TXT e-solutions: ricavi 41,3 milioni di Euro (+5,4
TXT e-solutions (www.txt.it), è leader in Europa in "Strategic Enterprise Solutions" e relativo TXT e-solutions SpA Via Frigia, 27 - 20126 MILANO Tel.
Adico.it - Txt e-solutions
TXT è quotata al Nuovo Mercato di Milano dal luglio 2000, e da allora è passata da un Business Oriented Solutions rivolte ai mercati Bank&Finance,
Euroinvestor.it - TXT E-SOLUTIONS
TXT E-SOLUTIONS, Milano, Quotazioni. blank. blank. Blank. blank. blank. TXT E-SOLUTIONS, Aggiungi alla lista · Aggiungi al portafoglio
TXT E-SOLUTIONS Via Frigia, 27 Milano (MI) Telefono: (02) 257711 TXT E-SOLUTIONS chiude la giornata di contrattazioni a quota 18,85 con un -0,74% in

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