Microsoft SQL beats Oracle in security showdown
I have been posting these reports on MSSQL over 3 years now and they keep coming [:)] Microsoft patched 59 vulnerabilities in its SQL Server 7, 2000 and 2005 Litchfield ranked Microsoft SQL Server 2000 service pack 4 as the most
MySQL, InterBase, FireBird, SQL Server: Prices and Licences
The price of InterBase is also interesting if you compare it with Microsoft's SQL Server and other closed-source databases, beacuse you decided you don't want to pick an open source database like FireBird.
Review: SQL Refactor
I'm actually moderately surprised that it's taken this long for a tool like this to appear: a refactoring tool for T-SQL code, tightly integrated with Microsoft's SQL Server Management Studio (and capable of working with either SQL
7173 SetFocus Custom Querying MS SQL Server 2000 with Transact Sql
The goal of this course is to provide students with the technical skills required to write basic Transact-SQL queries for Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000. This is a custom course and part of the SetFocus Master's Program
2073 Programming a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database - Parsippany, NJ
This course provides students with the technical skills required to program a database solution by using Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000
geeklog 1.4.1 microsoft sql server support
using the abilities of ms sql server, i have written helper user-defined-functions (udfs), views, triggers and stored procedures to assist sql server in coping with mysql function calls as well as help gl1.4's code base cope with data
2071 Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with Transact-SQL
The goal of this course is to provide students with the technical skills required to write basic Transact-SQL queries for Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000
MIcrosoft Best Practices Analyzer Tools
Two years ago, Microsoft released the well-thought-of SQL Server Best Practices Analzyer, in June the BizTalk Server Best Practices Analyzer, and in July one for Exchange. Now it looks like the "Best Practices Engine" is being abstract
Oracle RDBMS vs Microsoft SQL Server
This paper will examine the differences between the security posture of Microsoft’s SQL Server and Oracle’s RDBMS based upon flaws reported by external security researchers and since fixed by the vendor in question.
Which database is more secure, Oracle DB or Microsoft SQL Server?
A paper (PDF) examining the differences between the security posture of Microsofta��s SQL Server and Oraclea��s RDBMS based upon flaws reported by external security researchers and since fixed by the vendor in question.

Database - Sql, MySql, MS Access, MS Sql Server, ecc. - Mr. WebMaster
Guide ed esempi pratici sul linguaggio Sql e sui Dbms Ms Access, Ms Sql Server e MySql.
Microsoft SQL Server - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
MS SQL Server uses a variant of SQL called T-SQL, or Transact-SQL, MS SQL Server and Sybase/ASE both communicate over networks using an
Hosting Windows .NET - Supporto MS SQL Server
Server virtuali, soluzioni hosting multidominio frazionabili, su server Windows 2000, 2003 / .NET.
Microsoft SQL Server - Wikipedia
Der Computerwurm SQL Slammer nutzte eine Sicherheitslücke, die im MSSQL Server im Januar 2003 entdeckt wurde, aus und verursachte einen großen Kollaps des
Database - Guida di The best place for MS SQL Server information: Portale dedicato al database server di Microsoft (inglese): vedi il

Hosting Windows .NET - Supporto MS SQL Server
Server virtuali, soluzioni hosting multidominio frazionabili, su server Windows 2000, 2003 / .NET.
Hosting MS SQL Server 2005
Hosting MS SQL Server 2005 e Asp.NET 2. I database MS SQL Server, disponibili nelle versioni 2000 e 2005, sono installati su server Windows 2003 Server
Microsoft SQL Server - Wikipedia
Der Computerwurm SQL Slammer nutzte eine Sicherheitslücke, die im MSSQL Server im Januar 2003 entdeckt wurde, aus und verursachte einen großen Kollaps des
Database - Guida di The best place for MS SQL Server information: Portale dedicato al database server di Microsoft (inglese): vedi il
SQL Server Express - Easy to Use
SQL Server 2005 Express Edition is the next version of MSDE and is a free, You can download the SQL Server Management Studio Express (separate download
Che caratteristiche ha il server che ospita i database MS-SQL
Che caratteristiche ha il server che ospita i database MS-SQL? Il servizio di database Microsoft SQL Server viene erogato utilizzando un server con le
ARUBA + MS SQL Server 2005 EE - Mr. Webmaster Forum
ARUBA + MS SQL Server 2005 EE Hosting e Housing. Tale sito fa utilizzo di un DB con il DBMS integrato al tool che è appunto MS SQL Server 2005 EE.
Importare dati con bcp in sql server 2000 - MS SQL
Importare dati con bcp in sql server 2000. Get answers to your questions in our MS SQL forum.

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