Re: http://localhost in php script?
You said I would need to replace "localhost" with the host for my database. When I created the database, the "hostname" was prepopulated with "mysql.ylice.net". I did not change this.
Re: http://localhost in php script?
In the case of defining your MySQL host, you need to replace "localhost" with the appropriate host for your database. In this instance, "localhost" should be replaced with an environment variable to help define paths/urls and, as such,
Re: http://localhost in php script?
I know that normally you have to change "localhost" to "mysql.yourdomain.com". Yes. Obviously one cannot use localhost as the hostname in the URL. You have two options. You can explicitly specify the hostname using your own variable,
http://localhost in php script?
wordpress/wphpbb-login.php?action=logout&redirect_to=http://localhost'. &redirect_to=http://localhost'. $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; //'login.'.$phpEx; I know that normally you have to change "localhost" to "mysql.yourdomain.com"
Re: http://localhost in php script?
Post Reply? Good catch on my "bad" advice there I didn't look at the code closely enough, and have edited my post, *but* I believe in this instance if the OP chooses to define the path explicitly, he needs to use the path of his http
Re: http://localhost in php script?
Post Reply? How do you know it should be mysql.example.com instead of www.example.com? Just wondering. tor.eff.org
Sapulpa will host playoff games
Despite the fact the Sapulpa football team missed the playoffs, Chieftains fans do not have to go far to see post-season football
Problem connecting to MySQL in localhost

Measuring Performance of Policy Code in WSIT -- First Steps
http://localhost:8080/withoutPolicies/SillyServiceService?wsdl; http://localhost:8080/withPolicies/SillyServiceService?wsdl. For more information I also bundled wsdl docs as a static content to deployed wars and included them into
known issues for mysql updated
to 'example'@'localhost.localdomain' identified by '<the password>'; localhost localhost.localdomain myfunkyboxname anotheralias.foobar.com. and then make sure you use the same thing, ie localhost in the grant line and the

Localhost - Wikipedia
localhost steht im IT-Bereich für das momentan genutzte System oder dessen IP-Adresse. Üblicherweise ist das eigene System (der local host) unter der
ModemHelp.Net FAQs - What is "local host"? What is
What is &quot;local host&quot;? What is The IP address is a reserved IP address specified in the Internet Protocol used to represent the host Local Host Table
A host may use a local host table as a backup or supplement to the DNS. This raises the question of which takes precedence, the DNS or the host table;
Not a gateway or local host.
This &quot;local host number&quot; keeps interrupting both my mail and browser operations. I am unable to keep my &#39;real&#39; POP3 co-ordinates for very long,
AIDS 2006 – XVI International AIDS Conference – 13-18 August 2006
The Toronto Local Host for AIDS 2006 is incorporated as a not-for-profit The Toronto Local Host is responsible for preparing Toronto and Canada as host

Not a gateway or local host.
This &quot;local host number&quot; keeps interrupting both my mail and browser operations. I am unable to keep my &#39;real&#39; 3 co-ordinates for very long,
AIDS 2006 – XVI International AIDS Conference – 13-18 August 2006
The Toronto Local Host for AIDS 2006 is incorporated as a not-for-profit The Toronto Local Host is responsible for preparing Toronto and Canada as host
:: LocalHost Soluciones Innovadoras :: www.localhost.net.ar
Servicios de Internet: Alojamiento de Paginas Web en Linux y Windows2003 Diseno y Desarrollos Web Housing Colocation Email Telefonia sobre IP
ICANN São Paulo ::
Agenda &middot; Pre-registration &middot; Contacting the local host &middot; Sponsorship opportunities &middot; Press information &middot; Meeting venue &middot; Infrastructure &middot; Accommodation
Local Host Info
Local Host Info. Returns the information about local host. Cing on button will bring up &quot;Local Host Settings&quot; window:
Using Unix commands on your local host
Using Unix commands on your local host. Entering a &#39;!&#39; (excltion mark) at the ftp&gt; prompt star a shell. You can then use any Unix operating system
Applications Calling GetHostByName() for the Local Host Name May
When a Windows Socke application calls gethostbyname() to resolve the local hostname to a list of IP addresses on a multihomed computer, the list may be
local-host. Generic Function. Package: socket. Argumen: af-internet. Returns an IP address. You can use ipaddr-to-dotted or ipaddr-to-hostname to make a

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