Benchmarking Services for Midsized Law Firms
Using state-of-the-art data extraction technology, Insight directly pulls standardized information from your database, encrypts it and sends it via highly secure Web services to the Juris data center – of course, all names and other
landscape art as a source of data
here's something a little out of the ordinary for ratio juris: the use of landscape art as a source of data for understanding antebellum americans' (and particularly judges') ideas about property.
2006 privacy rankings
5. data sharing provisions 6. visual surveillance 7. communications interception 8. workplace monitoring 9. law enforcement access 10. data retention practices 11. travel & finance surveillance (including -border data sharing)
2007 Climate Change Performance Index
The CCPI was published for the first time earlier in 2006, and an updated version with the latest data and insights is being presented at the World Climate Summit in Nairobi, Kenya. Recently, its usage for country ratings in financial
environmental challenges
human-dominated marine ecosystems are experiencing accelerating loss of populations and species, with largely unknown consequences. we analyzed local experiments, long-term regional time series, and global fisheries data to test how
the ubiquity of the normative
but more important, the fact that the empirical data indicates how many laws particular justices strike down and how many they uphold has little significance unless we compare it to the appropriate baseline. unless we know in each case
So, what can they get right?
A hacker stole data from computers at the French anti-doping lab where tests are being challenged by American cyclist Floyd Landis, police said Tuesday. According to sports daily L'Equipe, a hacker accessed data and sent out letters
Medellin v. Dretke: International Law Often Happens Despite
The Pegasus Research Foundation answered (in part) Congress’ post-9/11 call to enhance local law enforcement agencies’ ability to “talk to each other” by creating a local-to-local data communications network; one peripheral effect of
john yoo's defense of the nsa program, part ii
"we'd chase a number, find it's a schoolteacher with no indication they've ever been involved in international terrorism - case closed," said one former fbi official, who was aware of the program and the data it generated for the bureau
Juris Prudence
JURIS-----PRUDENCE. That term perfectly applies to jury duty as it is with prudence that one must serve. My first jury trial did not demand the level of intensity and absorption of scientific data that this one did.

DVD Juris Data - Dott. A. Giuffrè Editore S.P.A. - Agenzia di
Juris data DVD ROM è il sistema software di informazione giuridica più Autorevole Per richiedere informazioni sulla Juris Data Serie Minor clicca qui ed
CD Juris Data: Giurisprudenza - Giuffrè Editore - Collezioni a
Base dati di giurisprudenza ricavata dal "Repertorio annuale di Giustizia Civile", dal 1979 all.
Juris Data on-line completo
Descrizione della banca dati Juris Data on-line completo.
La recherche d'informations dans les BASES de DONNEES juridiques
Juris-Data est une base de données de jurisprudence sur Minitel ou sur Internet. Juris-Data constitue un accès rapide à la jurisprudence et aux
Studio Legale Dieci: Informatica per Legali: Juris Data
[Juris Data ­ Apertura], Esempio di finestra di apertura di Juris Data. Da questo menù si può accedere ai quattro prodotti offerti dal sistema Juris Data.

La recherche d'informations dans les BASES de DONNEES juridiques
Juris-Data est une base de données de jurisprudence sur Minitel ou sur Internet. Juris-Data constitue un accès rapide à la jurisprudence et aux
Studio Legale Dieci: Informatica per Legali: Juris Data
[Juris Data ­ Apertura], Esempio di finestra di apertura di Juris Data. Da questo menù si può accedere ai quattro prodotti offerti dal sistema Juris Data.
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Banca dati juris data Legislazione Europea Legislazione vigente Massime Cass. Civile Massima Cassazione Penale Massime del TAR Massime Consiglio di Stato
Juris Data
Sistema bibliotecario. Juris Data. Al termine della sessione si prega di selezionare il pulsante "Disconnetti" per permettere a nuovi utenti di collegarsi.
Completamente integrata nel sistema Juris Data, la nuova banca dati contiene note a Oltre la legislazione e la giurisprudenza più completa, Juris Data
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Con il DVD-ROM Juris Data Maior 5/2005, sono disponibili le Sentenze della Completamente integrata nel sistema Juris Data, la nuova banca dati contiene
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