Toasting the alpine tradition Aspen Daily News
Aspen skiers can enjoy a taste of the Alps this weekend without catching a flight to Europe.
Call to arms Winchester Star
In discussing Kate Obenshain Griffin’s decision to step down as chair of the Republican Party of Virginia, there are two things one needs to know. First, state party chairmen, by the very nature of their job, are not involved in campaign strategy.
Israeli 'budget' cluster bombs killing civilians The Scotsman
THE Israeli army preferred saving money to saving the lives of Lebanese civilians, when it went to war against Hezbollah, according to sources within the Jewish state's armed forces.
Movement on My Monitor: Video on the Web #105: [1] RedNova
By McDermott, Irene E Since 1994, we have known Web pages as a kind of "window shade," as my UCLA library school teacher Esther Grassian described it. A click of a mouse opens a connection to the Internet and pulls data down until a Web page is fully loaded.
Healthy food receives high marks from students Times Herald
Shel Kunji, 16, looked like a kid who'd hit the jackpot. The Port Huron Northern High School senior had unwittingly stumbled upon the Holy Grail of all things gratis - free food.
McConnell under pressure over Bute House video fiasco Scotland on Sunday
THE trustees of Jack McConnell's official residence are to demand an explanation over the YouTube video scandal at Bute House.
Preferred Hotel Group Recognizes Members’ Efforts Toward Community Service, Philanthropy and the Environment Hospitality Net
CHICAGO, IL USA | Preferred Hotel Group, which includes 350 hotels and resorts in more than 50 nations, has recognized many of its members for their exceptional efforts in the areas of philanthropy, environmental wellbeing and community service. Through its recently launched program entitled “GIFTTS: Great Initiatives for Today’s (Tomorrow’s) Society”, the company has initiated its Preferred
Around the Valley Montrose Daily Press
MONTROSE — The Daily Press is looking for your pictures. We’ll take photos you’ve taken from various events, happenings in the community, your travels, animals or just people on the street for our new “Our Community” page.
AROUND THE VALLEY Montrose Daily Press
MONTROSE — Due to icy conditions, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has closed the East Portal Road for the winter.
Around the Valley Montrose Daily Press
MONTROSE — The city of Montrose and Montrose Police Department will accept applications Nov. 1-17 for the 2006 “Cops for Kids” program to provide toys for disadvantaged children at Christmas.

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