Microsoft: supersize that data warehouse?
In addition the article reports that Microsoft announced, to foster the case that SQL Server 2005 can play with the big boys, that it is designing two large data warehouses – a 270TB multi-node data warehouse for a foreign government
Microsoft Aims High on Data Warehouses
Microsoft has long been seen as a vendor of relatively small databases. But now it plans to use SQL Server 2005 to build a 162TB data warehouse for itself and a 270TB one for a foreign government
Data Warehousing and Data Analysis Merge with Viewpoint 3.0
Savia, LLC., a provider of information management technologies for K-12 districts and schools, announces a complete rewrite of its Analytics software to provide seamless integration with Viewpoint, a data warehouse and data management
data warehouse loading
data warehousing is becoming more and more popular, especially as companies seek to leverage the information stored in various systems to improve their business processes. warehousing expert vincent rainardi brings us the next
group sues fbi to disclose personal-data 'warehouse'
the fbi is gathering hundreds of millions of pieces of personal information in the name of fighting terrorism and storing them in a vast, secretive data "warehouse." last week, public-interest
Data Warehouse Adds Hedge Fund Sales Exec.
New York-based financial data warehouse firm Netik has added a pair of senior sales executives to its North American business, one focusing specifically on hedge funds. Josette Wys, most recently vice president of business development
Data Warehouse SQL SQL Server Middleware concepts For one of my clients, a big investment bank in The Netherlands I
Business Analyst - Data Warehouse
I am seeking a senior Business Analyst with a strong background in Data Warehouse / Business Intelligence. Reporting to the Group Manager - Busine Create a new feed with different search criteria. Send us feedback about these feeds
Business Analyst - Data Warehouse
I am seeking a Business Analyst (preferrably with 1-2 year experience) with a background in Data Warehouse / Business Intelligence. This role will Create a new feed with different search criteria. Send us feedback about these feeds
Data Warehouse Architect
Business Objects Americas is seeking to hire a data warehouse technical lead to assist in driving its global data warehouse strategy in support of standard business measurement, reporting, and analytics. The DW Technical Lead will

The Data Warehousing Information Center
Provides information on techniques to design, build, maintain, and retrieve information from a data warehouse.
Data-Warehouse - Wikipedia
Ein Data-Warehouse ermöglicht eine globale Sicht auf heterogene und verteilte Der Terminus „data warehouse“ wurde erstmals 1988 von Devlin verwendet.
Teradata Warehouse
Il data warehouse professionale Teradata unifica tutti i dati relativi alla vostra azienda in un unico archivio per fornirvi una visuale completamente
CINECA - Soluzioni e Servizi per l'Amministrazione Universitaria
Data Warehouse di Ateneo Un sistema integrato e modulare per il Controllo di gestione. Il Data Warehouse di Ateneo è un'innovativa suite di sistemi
Data warehouse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Offline Data Warehouse - Data warehouses in this stage of evolution are updated on Integrated Data Warehouse - Data warehouses at this stage are used to

Data-Warehouse - Wikipedia
Ein Data-Warehouse ermöglicht eine globale Sicht auf heterogene und verteilte Der Terminus „data warehouse“ wurde erstmals 1988 von Devlin verwendet.
ISTAT - Censimento Industria e Servizi: Home page
DataWarehouse Censimento Industria e Servizi. I dati raccolti nel Data Warehouse riguardano imprese, istituzioni pubbliche e nonprofit,
Teradata Warehouse
Il data warehouse professionale Teradata unifica tutti i dati relativi alla vostra azienda in un unico archivio per fornirvi una visuale completamente
CINECA - Soluzioni e Servizi per l'Amministrazione Universitaria
Data Warehouse di Ateneo Un sistema integrato e modulare per il Controllo di gestione. Il Data Warehouse di Ateneo è un'innovativa suite di sistemi
Data warehouse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Offline Data Warehouse - Data warehouses in this stage of evolution are updated on Integrated Data Warehouse - Data warehouses at this stage are used to
Dawinci home page
14° Censimento Generale della Popolazione e delle Abitazioni, 8° Censimento dell'Industria e dei Servizi, istat , warehouse , tavola , statistica
Data Warehouse e Business Intelligence | SAS Italy
SAS con 30 anni di esperienza e 40.000 clienti nel mondo è leader nella business intelligence, supportando i processi di analisi e decisione delle imprese;
Datawarehouse - Wikipedia
Over het algemeen wordt een data warehouse periodiek gevuld met nieuwe Vaak is een datawarehouse ingedeeld in kleinere delen, zogeheten datamarts.

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