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pinocchio animato

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Geppetto looked at his wood

He made the hair...

Geppetto looked at his wood and said.....

He made the hair, the head, the ears, the eyes...but the eyes started to move.

He made the nose...

He made the mouth...

He made the nose, but the nose started to grow. Geppetto cut it, but it became longer!

He made the mouth, but the puppet started to laugh. "Stop!" Shouted Geppetto, but Pinocchio put out the tongue.

He made the chin...

He made the legs...

Geppetto made the chin, the neck, the shoulders, the arms, the hands, but Pinocchio caught Geppetto's wig and put it on.....

Geppetto, feeling sad, made the legs and the feet.


Pinocchio ran away

Geppetto laid the puppet on the floor and teached him to walk. Pinocchio started to walk slowly, then faster, then....he jumped outside and ran away!

puppet.gif (12833 byte)

Clicca sulla miniatura: troverai Pinocchio da trasferire sul tuo computer, colorarlo, stamparlo e realizzare il burattino, dopo aver incollato le varie parti su cartoncino.

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