transcription made by Zsuzsi@Zsofi from "OK!" magazine, January 29, 1999 (English magazine)
Two-thirds of the earth's surface is covered by water. The rest is covered by "Baywatch" - or so David Hasselhoff is fond of saying. And with some justification.
Whatever your view of the good-looking, though rather less than demanding, everyday stories of Californian surfing folk, there is little point denying its global popularity, "Baywatch" is the most watched series in the history of television, and currently on the point of entering its tenth season.
David and his beautiful wife Pamela enjoy the shade offered by one of the many trees in the spacious grounds of their Californian home. 'Originally,' says David, 'I wanted to be near the ocean - and my work. Now, however, I'm pleased we're out in the country'
Which must make its 46-year-old star the oldest lifeguard on the beach. 'It does indeed', agrees the genial Mr. Hasselhoff, perched on a high canvas chair only yards away from the pounding ocean at Santa Monica on America's west coast. 'But that comes with another tag. I'm also the richest.'
And he grins, as well he might. 'Sometimes, when I'm on my way to work. I'm thinking, "Gee, I really don't want to do this show again." And then I immediately think of the pay cheque and remind myself I have nothing to complain about. There was a time in my life, when the "Knight Rider" series ended, that I was unemployed for three seasons. I will never forget that. So no, I'm not about to walk away from a winner.'