Mar 26, 2003 | MEMO - from Stephany Hurkos March 19, 2003 2:13 am Pamela is now home. Actually I am at her home, along with the family. She is resting peacefully, and stills looks so beautiful even though her right arm and her left leg are elevated so as to be above her heart (to help keep the swelling down).. David rearranged a portion of their bedroom which includes the hospital bed, etc. But it includes a lot of TLC. For all of you that knows Pamela, she ticks a lot better with a lot of TLC. [from Pamela WebSite] Finalmente anche la moglie di David, Pamela, è a casa, a seguito delle fratture riportate nell'incidente ha subito un'operazione che è andata bene ed ora deve stare con il braccio destro e la gamba sinistra alzati, David ha fatto piazzare nella loro camera da letto un letto d'ospedale e tutti quello che può servire alla moglie. |
Mar 4, 2003 | MEMO - from Stephany Hurkos March 3, 2003 Dear Friends; [from Pamela WebSite]
Incidente motociclistico per Hasselhoff, star di «Baywatch» Assieme c'era anche la moglie 22 febbraio 2003 LOS ANGELES. Una delle star del serial televisivo «Baywatch», l'attore americano David Hasselhoff, 51 anni, e la moglie Pamela, 39 anni, sono rimasti feriti in un incidente di moto, a Los Angeles, e sono stati ricoverati per una serie di fratture e traumi all'UCLA Medical Center della metropoli californiana. La coppia si trovava a bordo di una Harley Davidson nuova fiammante, quando Hassellhoff ha perso il controllo della moto in una curva a causa di una folata di vento troppo violenta. L'attore, poi finito contro un palo della luce, si è rotto diverse costole e ha subito un trauma alla colonna vertebrale. La moglie ha riportato fratture all'anca e al polso destro.
Feb 21, 2003 | David Hasselhoff and his wife injured in motorcycle accident in Los Angeles AP Breaking News - Friday, February 21, 2003 David Hasselhoff and his wife suffered broken bones when the actor lost control of the motorcycle they were riding and hit a sidewalk curb, police said. Strong gusty winds were blamed for the crash Thursday afternoon on a busy street on the city's West Side, police said. The crash threw Hasselhoff against a light pole, while his wife, actress Pamela Bach, fell onto the shoulder of the road. Police said both were wearing helmets. They were taken to UCLA Medical Center, where Hasselhoff, 50, was treated for possible lower back fractures, a broken rib and cuts and bruises, according to police. Bach, 39, was treated for a fractured ankle and broken wrist. "They're in stable condition," said Warren Cowan, a publicist for Hasselhoff. Cowan said Hasselhoff has canceled trips and interviews to promote the upcoming Fox movie "Baywatch: Hawaiian Wedding." The actor, best known for portraying lifeguard Mitch Buchannon on the "Baywatch" TV series and various "Baywatch" movies and TV specials, also starred in the 1980s TV show "Knight Rider." Bach was also a regular on "Baywatch" for several seasons. She and Hasselhoff have two daughters. LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Former "Baywatch" star David Hasselhoff and his wife Pamela were injured in a motorcycle accident blamed on a strong gust of wind, police said Friday. The two were riding along Sepulveda Boulevard on Hasselhoff's 2003 Harley Davidson near a freeway overpass Thursday afternoon when the wind gust caused him to lose control of the bike. As he was trying to regain control, the motorcyle ran into a curb, throwing the couple from the bike, with Hasselhoff flying into a light pole and his wife landing on the soft David Hasselhoff e la moglie hanno avuto un incidente in moto, hanno riportato delle fratture ma le loro condizioni sono stabili. |