by Linda

When I learned that "Knight Rider" would be filming a two-hour episode ("Knight of the Droans", Season 3 episode, 1984) in San Francisco I knew it was my big chance to see David Hasselhoff in action. So my husband and I packed our two kids into the car, then five and six years old, and headed for the city.

We knew we were close when we spotted the black Knight Rider Semi parked at the Marina. We knew we were there when we walked a block further and saw the hordes of people lining the sidewalks. They were watching David driving KITT up and down the street, take after take.


David would screech to a stop in the middle of the block jump out of the car and yell "Hold it right there!"


Finely the director yelled "Print" and the scene was over and the crowd cheered.


As we made our way through the crowd we ended up standing next to a crewmember. When David was finished with the scene he started to walk past us when the crewman lifted our son into David’s arms.


David grinned and said "Thumbs up!"


We were, of course, the envy of the crowd and I was on cloud nine.

The same crewman told us that David would be filming later on Twin Peaks so after lunch we headed up the long winding road to the top of Twin Peaks.

The crew was set and it was time for David to appear again. The scene called for Michael to be catapulted out of KITT just as the car was hit by a rocket.

Four crewmen dragged a mattress over a three-foot cement embankment and twenty feet down a steep hill where David would land after the stunt.


After judging the distance to the mattress below the director yelled "Action" and David was air born.


We followed the crew down to the next location, a dirt turnout off the narrow roadway. There a crane was lifting KITT onto its side. The scene called for Michael to find KITT nearly destroyed.



After waiting for instructions the scene begins.



With two crewmen hiding behind the car with smoke cans the director yells "Action" and David approaches KITT in disbelief.
