
New York. Some explosions destroy all the bridges connecting Manhattan with the rest of New York. The authorities attribute the disaster to a terrorist organisation. But Jake Gorki, a policeman of the New York Police Department, flying over the Federal Reserve Bank with his helicopter, suspects something else: a robbery.

Alcune esplosioni distruggono tutti i ponti che congiungono Manhattan con il resto di New York. Le autorità attribuiscono questi disastri a dei terroristi, ma Jake Gorki, un poliziotto che sta sorvolando con il suo elicottero la Federal Reserve Bank sospetta qualcosa di diverso: un rapina.

Produced by: Pro 7
Language: English
Genre: Drama / Action / Police
Release Date: 1996
Directed by
Sandor Stern

Cast (in alphabetical order)
Tony De Santis
Roger Dominique
Miguel Fernandes
David Hasselhoff as Jake Gorsky
Kathy Ireland as Michele Conner
Goetz Otto
Markus Parilo
Allen Scarse

Produced by
Ian McDougall
Mace Neufeld
Robert Rehme

Created by Paola Vaccari, Novara, Italy