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Reid Comes Around, Declares War
I just got off a conference call with Senator Reid, and his office has given the go ahead to blog on record about what he said. Other bloggers were in on it too, so look around for other reports, as mine is going to be a little strongly
John Edwards: The George Romney of 2008
Ah, memories. George Romney, 1967:. On 31 August 1967 Governor Romney made a statement that ruined his chances for getting the [Presidential] nomination. In a taped interview with Lou Gordon of WKBD-TV in Detroit, Romney stated,
Zebra Hunt: Tony Corrente
For the record, Corrente’s crew consists of umpire Carl Paganelli and back judge Perry What is Corrente’s role? Specifically, the referee in any game has This will be Corrente’s first Super Bowl as a referee, though he was the
Iraqi children: Picking garbage, killed dismantling ordnance, or
I started to late the news from Arabic late this afternoon - I do have other things to do, and this was the first report to hit my screen. Increasingly frequently I want to scream as I do this and I’m not publishing anything else
Bush Iraq speech: Is "the way forward" a Christianist dog whistle?
You decide. Let’s look at chapter and verse. Is there a message so high pitched that only Christianists will be able to hear it? When I heard “the way forward,” I was at once reminded of this famous quotation:. John 14:6 (“I am the way,
Joe Biden's Trent Lott moment
Will this be Joe Biden's Trent Lott moment? 26 days after Democrats win the mid-terms, Joe Biden exhorts the Republican party to "get back up." Then, Biden (D-Hair Club for Men) claims that, just because the country voted Democrats back
So, did Bush ratfuck a FISA judge?
[For those unfamiliar with the term, ratfucking is a synonym for anti-Democratic dirty tricks.] It would be irresponsible not to speculate. LA Times:. On Thursday, Justice Department attorneys filed a motion at the 6th Circuit,
Random Thoughts on Health Care in the 110th, etc.
A lot of people are talking about the various “mandatory” plans floating about various congressional and gubernatorial offices right now. Ahnold’s, Wyden’s, etc. It’s all the Rage, for young politicians: it’s an issue that is still
Mikey Weinstein takes on Rush!
Thank The God of Your Choice, If Any, that somebody’s standing up to that blowhard. Mikey Weinstein is the founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, which has taken the lead on calling the Christianists out on their coercive
Oil under NOLa
Scout Prime has details over at Athenae’s place. Remember how we couldn’t figure out why the aministration didn’t want to help folks go home to the Gulf Coast? Just like Iraq, there’s oil under them thar ruins …
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