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Cloning human embryos becomes 'constitutional right' WorldNetDaily
A ballot initiative in Missouri written to enshrine in the state constitution the right to clone human embryos for "research" was approved by voters by a single percentage point, and pro-life organizations have said they expect a court challenge to the plan.
South Dakota Abortion Ban Results Require Renewed Effort to Defend Human Life Christian News Wire
Catholic Leader States: “Planned Parenthood continued its shameless campaign to exploit women in crisis and to rob the innocent unborn of their inalienable right-to-life… These results should confirm the resolve of all pro-lifers that we must redouble our efforts to protect all innocent human life.”
Cancer vaccine free at right price Sydney Morning Herald
Cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil will be placed on the national immunisation program as soon as the manufacturer offers the right price, John Howard says.
Ballot measure losses jolt the religious right MSNBC
From the country's heartland, voters sent messages that altered America's culture wars and dismayed the religious right - defending abortion rights in South Dakota, endorsing stem cell research in Missouri, and, in a national first, rejecting a same- marriage ban in Arizona.
Fate of ballot initiatives startles right The News & Observer
From the country's heartland, voters sent messages that altered the culture wars in the U.S. and dismayed the religious right.
CDC Child Development Campaign Expands to Target More Than 400,000 Child Care Facilities Nationwide American Psychological Association
ATLANTA, Nov 08, 2006 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in collaboration with a coalition of national partners, is launching a new phase of the "Learn the Signs. Act Early" public awareness campaign.
Religious right asks what happened Planet Out via Yahoo! News
SUMMARY: Voters' support of stem-cell research in Missouri, abortion rights in South Dakota and equality in Arizona signals a change in the culture wars.
Level campaign finance playing field The Cincinnati Enquirer
Money is the root of much of the political evil. The system needs to be changed.
South Dakota Abortion Ban Results Require Renewed Effort to Defend Human Life U.S. Newswire via Yahoo! News
The Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer, STL, president of Human Life International (HLI) the world's largest pro-life, pro-family human rights organization, with over 90 affiliates in 75 countries around the world has issued the following statement regarding the defeat of South Dakota's Referendum 6 that would have banned all forms of abortion in the state
Bill a "Slap in the Face" for Your Right To Choice Scoop.co.nz
"The Human Tissue Bill put forward today by the Government's Health Minister, Pete Hodgson shows how out of touch he is with the wishes of the majority of New Zealanders." Says GiveLife NZ Spokesman Andy Tookey.

Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign
The Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign is committed to uniting the poor across color lines as the leadership base for a broad movement to abolish
TAPOL, the Indonesia Human Rights Campaign
UK based organization campaigning to expose human rights violations in Indonesia, East Timor, West Papua and Aceh. Provides news, press releases,
International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission - Human
An organization filling the gap between the international human rights movement and the gay rights movement.
Kensington Welfare Rights Union
[March 5, 2005] Poor Peoples' Economic Human Rights Campaign Travels to Washington The Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign Held a Successful,
Palestine Human Rights Campaign
Australian site providing information and news about the struggle of the Palestinian people.
Rights Campaign
Human Rights Campaign. This page is dedicated to reporting the activities of a group of organizations working for the establishment of international
Women's Human Rights: Amnesty International's Human Rights Concerns
Women's Human Rights. & The Stop Violence Against Women Campaign. Currently, Amnesty International is involved in an international campaign to stop violence
Campaigns - Amnesty International
Amnesty International (AI) is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights.
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