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Tele Atlas Takes Geography on the Road to Upper Valley Students SYS-CON Media
Tele Atlas (FSE: TA6, EUNV: TA), a leading global provider of digital maps and dynamic content for navigation and location based solutions, will take geography on the road to students and teachers to help celebrate GIS Day 2006 on Wednesday, November 15.
The cultural evolution San Diego Union-Tribune
It is such a basic part of human nature that we don't think twice about it: Adults pass their habits, knowledge, traditions and skills on to the young.
Vantage Point: War on terror undermines moral legitimacy, human rights Stanford Report
It is difficult to find any expert in a university like Stanford who does not believe that "mistakes were made" in the war on terror and the intervention in Iraq. So it came as no surprise that four leading Stanford professors agreed on that point during a panel discussion Nov. 1 on terrorism, security and civil liberties.
Researchers Link Ocean Organisms With Increased Cloud Cover And Potential Climate Change Science Daily
Atmospheric scientists have reported a new and potentially important mechanism by which chemical emissions from ocean phytoplankton may influence the formation of clouds that reflect sunlight away from our planet.
A new spin The Kentucky Kernel
Horses, bourbon and farms may be what come to mind when people think of Lexington. Hip-hop music and culture may not be. But that's changing. Over the past few years, underground hip-hop has begun to emerge here, and more people are becoming interested in the music and the culture, said Amadeus Durbin, a local hip-hop artist.
New Research Reveals Hidden Earthquake Trouble Spots Science Daily
A team from the University of Leicester has used a powerful laser mounted on an aircraft to uncover earthquake fault lines that are hidden by forest cover and never before seen by earth scientists. The 2005 Kashmir earthquake was a terrifying example of how faults in mountainous regions that pose serious seismic hazards can go unnoticed because they are hidden by forest cover and thus are not
2006 record year for West Nile virus The Record-Courier

Oregon Committee Invites Contested ‘Biopharming’ of GE Plants The NewStandard
As companies experiment with growing drugs in common food crops, watchdogs say even the most deliberative attempts by government to scrutinize the practice fall short of protecting the public.
An essay on why Africa matters: Clarion Online
For generations, the natural resources of Africa have been used and exploited for the development and advancement of all other parts of the world, except for Africa. As a colonial toy and a Cold War pawn, Africa has played a tragic tale in history, and these days it sits at center-stage as now the developed world wonders what to do about this continent called Africa.
Letters to the Editor Nov. 8, 2006 Pacifica Tribune
I appreciated the recent article by Chris Hunter regarding Pacifica's traffic problem, but I hope it was only an error that the problem was described as being between Fassler and Reina del Mar. In the morning commute, the southern border of the problem is Crespi, and sometimes Linda Mar Blvd. Alarmingly, Crespi itself is starting to get pretty backed up in the morning.

Resource: Human Geography: People, Places, and Change
Human Geography combines economic and cultural geography to explore the relationships between humans and their natural environment, and to track the broad
Cultural and Human Geography
This branch of geography deals with people and their environment - from cities to transportation to religion to food.
Cultural & Human Geography
A description of employment opportunities provided by the Association of American Geographers.
The Online Books Page: Browse call numbers: GF
G, Geography, Anthropology, Folklore, Recreation (Go to start of category). GF, Human Geography (Go to start of category)
Geography > Human Geography in the Yahoo! Directory
Yahoo! reviewed these sites and found them related to Geography > Human Geography.

Cultural and Human Geography
This branch of geography deals with people and their environment - from cities to transportation to religion to food.
Cultural & Human Geography
A description of employment opportunities provided by the Association of American Geographers.
The Online Books Page: Browse call numbers: GF
G, Geography, Anthropology, Folklore, Recreation (Go to start of category). GF, Human Geography (Go to start of category)
Geography > Human Geography in the Yahoo! Directory
Yahoo! reviewed these sites and found them related to Geography > Human Geography.
GEOSOURCE webdirectory for geography and geosciences
Web resources for human geography, physical geography, planning, geoscience and environmental science. Provided by Utrecht University Library.
JSTOR: Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography
JSTOR provides a digital archive of the print version of Geografiska Annaler, Series B: Human Geography. The electronic version of Geografiska Annaler,
Human Geography: About Us
Address, Division of Human Geography Department of Geography University of Zurich - Irchel Winterthurerstr. 190 CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland
SAGE Publications - Progress in Human Geography
SAGE Publications is an independent international publisher of journals and books. Known for our commitment to quality and innovation, we are a world leader
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