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Is The “Emergent Church” Heretical?
The church growth movement has done an outstanding job in capturing the right words. Everybody opposed to churches growing raise your hands. Anybody out there not want to attract unbelievers to the church of Christ?
Redefining the Church
This is precisely the thinking of the church growth movement and its modern founder Robert Schuller. Schuller is famous for saying that his Crystal Cathedral is a last stop for people who had given up on religion and otherwise would
Storm Rising: Spiritual Growth
In the life of a church, the entropy that sneaks in is an over-emphasis on faithfulness to the exclusion of fruitfulness. It is both/and not either/or. The Church Growth/Health Movement has pounded this into the leaders of the church.
Coming Soon to a Church near You
This morning's Wall Street Journal contains a page one article, "A Popular Strategy for Church Growth Splits Congregants," which describes the divisive effects of the church growth movement, a strategy for church growth now found in
Central Seminary’s 50th Anniversary
Dan Brown’s Wednesday workshop, “The Gospel and the Church-Growth Movement,” made some very good points but focused on several strawman arguments from Rick Warren’s Purpose-Driven Movement quotes and the use of his terminology.
As I read his rant I discovered some rather disturbing parallels between the AIDS movement and the church growth movement in how they both handle "disease." Here's just some of what he had to say:
The Body of Christ in this nation must finally come to realize this is exactly what makes the “modern” Church Growth Movement so very dangerous. In the corrupt and dying evangelical camp they are now beginning to pay its debt.
The Purpose Driven Church
The father of the church growth movement was the relatively unknown Donald McGavran. The second major problem with the church growth movement is its In the false gospel of the church growth movement the sinner is told that
The rapture of the church growth movement
Fr John Parker, pastor of Holy Ascension Orthodox Church in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, reflects on the church growth movement: “Grand opening.” When we see such an advertisement for a store, we think low prices—bargains.
"From Country Club Membership To Missional
Everyone from pastors, to denominational leaders to concerned church members are asking this question because there is the recognition that along with the Church Growth movement came an unexpected byproduct: The church fostering an

The Growth of a Purpose Driven Church
Robert Schuller stated “An undisputed historical fact is that I am the founder, really, of the church-growth movement in this country .
Dangers of the Church Growth Movement
Thus, church growth would advocate a kind of "Jews for Jesus" movement in which people The dangers inherent in the church growth movement are many,
My Journey Through the Church Growth Movement
The church growth movement also provides a good analysis of the weakness of crusade At the heart of Wagner's teaching and the church growth movement are
Roots of the Church Growth Movement
During the years 1960 to 1970, we systematized the concepts andprinciples of the church growth movement and fitted them to five continents,to all, in fact,
The Church Growth Movement-An Analysis of Rick Warren's "Purpose
For many years now the church growth movement has certainly flown into congregations undetected by thousands of churches worldwide.
Seeker Sensitive, Purpose Driven
Faulty Premises of the Church Growth Movement by Bob DeWaay The Church Growth Movement & Purpose Driven Church VERSUS The Bible
The seeker friendly purpose driven church growth movement
The seeker friendly,purpose driven church growth movement is taking Christanity by storm but is it biblical or is it just western churchianity.
Willowcreek Church - Bill Hybel's Theology Part I
This "seeker" or sinner-friendly church growth movement theology suggests that the Church needs to be conformed to the image of the world.
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