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Get paid to surf

Spedia | ValuePay | CashFiesta | IntelliAD


Spedia.net is one of the largest pay per surf networks on the internet, you can earn moneys in several ways with Spedia: surfing the web, reading the emails, playing games on their website, signing up for affiliate programs and much more. But the main way you can earn money with Spedia is using their SpediaBar.

The SpediaBar is a free software application that lets you earn money while you surf the Internet. It's a small bar that docks next to your browser (Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer) and displays advertising. You earn one point for each minute you have your SpediaBar open and you actively browse the Internet with normal surfing behavior. This amounts to $0.70 per hour if you are a Premier member.

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Spedia | ValuePay | CashFiesta | IntelliAD



ValuePay works pretty much like Spedia.net, download the PiggyBar and start earning money.

"ValuePay is a simple yet revolutionary Internet Service through which you can earn money when you and your friends are online, visiting Websites, or using any of our services. By using the power of the Internet and our technology we are able to reverse the rules of the game. Now, everytime you use Email, Surf the Web, Chat or even play online games - you will earn money!"

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Spedia | ValuePay | CashFiesta | IntelliAD



Get Paid to Use Your Computer
or Just Surf the Net

Spending countless hours in front of your computer surfing the net, doing homework, writing email or working? Feel like your time at the computer is not rewarded?

Now, here is the good news.
With Cashfiesta you can earn cash while using your computer. Get paid for displaying our stylish FiestaBar™ at the bottom of your screen. The only requirement is that you are connected to the Internet. Cashfiesta offers unlimited earning potential to all of our members and our services are available worldwide*. We will send you a check every month with your earned cash.

Sounds simple? It is. And best of all - it is FREE!

Hurry up, SIGN UP TODAY!

Make even more money by referring your friends; you can earn cash for the time they (and their friends) spend online too. Visit our Referral Center for more information.  




Spedia | ValuePay | CashFiesta | IntelliAD


(Available only in Italy & Europe)


IntelliAd è il nuovo sistema per guadagnare online, è diverso dagli altri sistemi in quanto il loro software non occupa perennemente una parte dello schermo mostrando banner ma rimane nella tray bar accanto all'orologio e si mostra solo quando c'è uno spot da visualizzare. 

 Per poter visualizzare le pubblicità è necessario scaricare il software IntelliPad ed installarlo.
Il programma quando funzionante sarà facilmente identificabile grazie all'icona nella tray del desktop in basso a destra.

Quando un advertiser vuole raggiungerti il programma te lo notificherà comunicandoti la durata dello spot e l'ammontare dell'offerta, dandoti la possibilità di scegliere se vedere lo spot subito oppure no.
Ogni spot ti offre dalle 200 alle 2000 Lire e dura un minimo di 5 secondi. Il guadagno orario combinato non è quindi mai sotto le 42.000 Lire.  
Il credito verrà immediatamente riconosciuto nel proprio account e potrà essere rimborsato non appena raggiungerà le 100.000 Lire.

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