Castello di Pietrafitta


Entry of the angle tower
angle tower
Arco d'ingresso

Arched entry of the castle


Side entry of the tower


Esterno torre
View of the entry stairway
View of the angle tower
Vista laterale della torre
veduta lato nord della torre con ingresso
View of the north side tower entry
Bust sculpture near fireplace
veduta lato nord della torre con ingresso
Sculpture from the artist Dino Coffani from Montichiari (BS) depicting Filippo di Cecchino di Messer Vinciolo dying at the base of the tower
View of the sculpture created by Dino Coffani from Montichiari (BS) with an external view of the castle Scultura
Cinta di confine
Confinement wall
Inscription in memory of the return of Papal States from Avignon to Rome
iscrizione ricordo
Plaque representing the year of the return of the Papal States from Avignon to Rome
Plaque in memory of the siege at Pietrafitta
>Plaque in memory of the siege at Pietrafitta
Torre d'angolo Entry of the angle towery

Balconies above entryway

Balconies above entryway
Meridian with Benedictine saying


Angle tower access
Angle tower access
Fresco above fireplace inside a room
Fresco inside one of the internal rooms
fresco of the battle
Fresco depicting the " battle of Pietrafitta" painted by Pierluigi Garzetti from Montichiari (BS)
Wall painting decorating the stairway
wall painting
Medieval fresco depicting Madonna with Child
Medieval fresco - upper section
Madonna upper section
Madonna particolare
Medieval fresco - lower section
"O VIRGIN MOTHER, daughter of thy Son!
Created beings all in lowliness
Surpassing, as in height above them all;
Term by the eternal counsel pre-ordain'd;
Ennobler of thy nature,so advanced
In thee, tahet its great Maker did not scorn,
To make Himself his own creation;
For in thy womb rekindling shone the love
Reveal'd ,whose genial influence makes now
This flower to germin in eternal peace:
Here thou to us, of charity and love,
Art, as the noon-dat torch;and art, beneath,
To mortal man,of hope a living spring.
So mighty art thou, Lady, and so great,
That he, who grace desireth, and comes not
To the thee for aidance, fain would have desire
Fly without wings. Not only him,who asks,
Thy bounty succours;but doth freeky oft
Forerun the asking. Whatsoe'er may be
Of excellence in creature,pity mild,
Relenting mercy, large munificence,
Are all combined in thee"

From "Divina Commedia" by Dante
Canto XXXIII° Paradiso
Madonna col bambino
room with arms
Internal view
Internal view
dining room

Revised -- 06 apr 2005