New Metal Slug trailer makes next week's Metal choice difficult
The Metal Slug Anthology is finally coming out next week on the PS2, Wii and PSP. Of course, there's really only one platform you'll want this on: the PSP. Handheld 2D carnage to go sounds like a blast, and this new trailer proves it.
PSP Site being worked on
Some weirdness for an hour, dont panic :P
Star Wars: Lethal Alliance Hands-on
Heres an excerpt Any videogame born of the Star Wars license should rock. Taking the caliber of the source material, it seems like a logical thing to assume. But as most astute gamers will attest, that's simply not the case.
Daedalus Shifty Beta 1 release
ok, first off, I am sorry to all of you who had your hopes up for a full-speed emulator. I have obtained and played Daedalus Shifty, and while games played on it are faster than the latest release of any Daedalus, it is still not full
NJ yesterday released the sources to his CPS1, CPS2 and NeoGeo MVS Emulators and thanks to EvilDooinz we have compiled binarys of all 3 emulators, heres whats new via elations lation:. 1.21 Reverted the masking process in Street
PSP Revolution v0.3a Patch
As DeNitro mentioned in the forums, you'd need to have v0.3 installed before this patch can be usable. Once you have that covered, just copy the PSPR folder (or folders for fw 1.5 users) from the patch to the PSP's /PSP/Game folder;
BasiliskII on PSP
Forum: PSP Homebrew Discussion Posted By: loligator Post Time: 12-01-2006 at 03:20 AM
the unofficial playstaion portable psp forum for asia
the unofficial playstaion portable psp forum for asia. bangalore, india: entertainment, games playstaion portable forum for subcontinent user to get the most out of yourpsp. bollywood movies, music, hacks, explorts and other items can
Mid-week Site News updates!
apcarr has shared with us a Gun: Showdown (USA) 358MB + 255MB PSP RipKit and a Gun: Showdown (USA) 210MB + 130MB PSP RipKit as well today! Those interested can post your feedback in our Gun: Showdown PSP Forum thread. :smilew
New DevHook Launcher Mod for PSP & more!
Next up, apcarr has shared with us a Stacked (USA) 360MB + 284MB PSP RipKit which can be discussed further in our Stacked PSP Forum thread, and Looroll91 has shared a Ridge Racer 2 (EUR) 207MB PSP RipKit which you can post related
PSP Forum
SQL Error : 1226 User 'psp-foru_phpbb2' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 50000) SELECT * FROM phpbb_users WHERE user_id = -1
Sony PSP (PlayStation Portable) - Console-Tribe.com Forum
Forum Jump. User Control Panel, Private Messages, Subscriptions, Who's Online, Search Forums, Forums Home, Console Area, SONY PSP HUB, SONY PS3 HUB
PSP LaNDiA Tutto Per La PSP, forum, programmi Homebrews , giochi
Lista dei Contenuti disponibili su PSP LaNDiA Tutto Per La PSP, forum, programmi Homebrews , giochi, downloads e sfondi tutto gratis:
PSP Forum :: Index
Keine neuen Beiträge, PSP Internet Forum Diskussionsforum für Internetanwendungen auf der PSP Moderator Nickel, 17, 322, Projekt: Mitspieler-Such
Sony PSP Forum - Forumla.de
Sony PSP Forum. Du besuchst unser Forum derzeit als Gast, wodurch Du nur eingeschränkten Zugriff Für registrierte Benutzer ist das Forum werbefrei.
PlayStation Portable (PSP) - Multiplayer.it Forum Area
Tutto sulla prima console portatile di casa Sony, dai videogiochi alla multimedialità !
informazioni x psp - Forum di THG Italia
informazioni x psp Giochi console. Cerca nei forum, Pagina principale, Filo diretto, Il forum del forum, Componenti hardware, Hardware generale
Community e Forum PSP - PSP Sony
PSP: Community-e-Forum-PSP Trasforma la tua Sony Portable Playstation PSP in uno strumento meraviglioso!
Psp-Italia :: Indice
la potenza di PSP al servizio delle macchine del passato Moderatori *** Alexmae ***, FatBeats Chi c'è in Linea, Ci sono 97589 Messaggi nel Forum
Già copiati i giochi per PSP - P2P Forum Italia
Il media è stato creato per limitare la pirateria di giochi per PSP, I giochi sono apparsi nel forum del sito ps2nfo.com, dedicato alla programmazione